首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Quality >Pesticide Transport with Runoff from Turf: Observations Compared with TurfPQ Model Simulations

Pesticide Transport with Runoff from Turf: Observations Compared with TurfPQ Model Simulations


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Pesticides applied to turf grass have been detected in surface waters raising concerns of their effect on water quality and interest in their source, hydrological transport and use of models to predict transport. TurfPQ, a pesticide runoff model for turf grass, predicts pesticide transport but has not been rigorously validated for larger storms. The objective of this study was to determine TurfPQ's ability to accurately predict the transport of pesticides with runoff following more intense precipitation. The study was conducted with creeping bentgrass [Agrostis palustris Huds.] turf managed as a golf course fairway. A pesticide mixture containing dicamba, 2,4-D, MCPP, flutolanil, and chlorpyrifos was applied to six adjacent 24.4 by 6.1 m plots. Controlled rainfall simulations were conducted using a rainfall simulator designed to deliver water droplets similar to natural rain. Runoff flow rates and volume were measured and water samples were collected for analysis of pesticide concentrations. Six simulations yielded 13 events with which to test TurfPQ. Measured mean percentage of applied pesticide recovered in the runoff for dicamba, 2,4-D, MCPP, flutolanil, and chlorpyrifos was 24.6, 20.7, 14.9, 5.9, and 0.8%, respectively. The predicted mean values produced by TurfPQ were 13.7, 15.6, 15.5, 2.5, and 0.2%, respectively. The model produced correlations of r = 0.56 and 0.64 for curve number hydrology and measured hydrology, respectively. Comparisons of the model estimates with our field observations indicate that TurfPQ under predicted pesticide runoff during 69.5 pl 11.4 mm, 1.9 pl 0.2 h, simulated storms.
机译:人们已经在地表水中发现了用于草皮草的农药,这引起了人们对它们对水质的影响以及对水源,水文运输和使用模型预测运输的兴趣的担忧。 TurfPQ是草皮草的农药径流模型,可以预测农药的运输,但尚未针对大型暴风雨进行严格验证。这项研究的目的是确定TurfPQ能够准确预测在更强烈的降水后有径流的农药运输情况。该研究是用creep草(草ros草)作为高尔夫球场球道进行的。在6.1 m的地块上,将含有麦草畏,2,4-D,MCPP,氟苯腈和毒死plot的农药混合物施用于六个相邻的24.4。使用降雨模拟器进行受控的降雨模拟,该模拟器设计用于传递类似于自然雨的水滴。测量径流量和体积,并收​​集水样以分析农药浓度。六次模拟产生了13个事件,可用来测试TurfPQ。麦草畏,2,4-D,MCPP,氟苯腈和毒死rif在径流中回收的施用农药的测得平均百分比分别为24.6%,20.7%,14.9%,5.9%和0.8%。 TurfPQ产生的预测平均值分别为13.7%,15.6%,15.5%,2.5%和0.2%。该模型分别针对曲线数水文和实测水文产生了r = 0.56和0.64的相关性。模型估计值与我们实地观测值的比较表明,TurfPQ在69.5 pl 11.4 mm,1.9 pl 0.2 h的模拟暴风雨下预测的农药径流下。



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