首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Science >Kinetics of formation of nanaocrystalline phases by mechanochemical reaction between Ti and RuO2

Kinetics of formation of nanaocrystalline phases by mechanochemical reaction between Ti and RuO2


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The structual evolution of a mixture of Ti and RuO2mechanically alloyed over a period of 40 h was followed withrespect to time by X-ray diffraction. The structural parameterswere extracted from the XRD traces by performing a Rietveldrefinement analysis. The phase formation occurs in three distinctstages. In stage I (first 10min of milling), RuO2 and Ti reacts toform RuTi, Ru, and TiO, with some other oxide phases of titanium(Ti2O3, and TiO2). In stage II(between 10 and 60 min), the reactionslows down and the titanium dioxides are being reduced. In stageIII, decomposition of RuTi through reaction with Ti2O3 occurs, toyield to the formation of TiO and Ru. In stage I, the reaction rate isvery high, for example, 34.7wt% of RuTi is formed after only 10min of milling. It is argued that such rapid reaction rate is due tothe enthalpy of the redox reaction occurring between Ti and RuO2which raised the local temperature and thus favors the atomicinterdiffusion. Finally, a series of experiments performed s afunction of the milling intensity points to the existence of anenergy threshold below which the combustion reaction between Tiand RuO2 does not occur.
机译:机械观察到的Ti和RuO 2混合物在40小时内的结构演变通过X射线衍射随时间变化而变化。通过进行Rietveld细化分析从XRD迹线中提取结构参数。相的形成发生在三个不同的阶段。在阶段I(研磨的前10分钟)中,RuO2和Ti反应形成RuTi,Ru和TiO,以及其他一些钛氧化物相(Ti2O3和TiO2)。在第二阶段(10至60分钟之间),反应速度降低,二氧化钛被还原。在第三阶段中,RuTi通过与Ti2O3反应而分解,从而生成TiO和Ru。在阶段I中,反应速率非常高,例如,仅研磨10分钟后就形成34.7wt%的RuTi。有人认为,这种快速的反应速率是由于Ti和RuO2之间发生的氧化还原反应的焓使局部温度升高,从而有利于原子相互扩散。最后,根据碾磨强度进行的一系列实验表明,存在能量阈值,低于该阈值,天德RuO2之间就不会发生燃烧反应。



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