首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Science >Modelling of the thermo-physical and physical properties for solidification of Ni-based superalloys

Modelling of the thermo-physical and physical properties for solidification of Ni-based superalloys


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The thermo-physical and physical properties of the liquid and solid phases are critical components in the modelling of casting simulations. Such properties include the fraction solid transformed, enthalpy release, thermal conductivity, volume and density all as a function of temperature. Due to the difficulty in experimentally determining such properties at solidification temperatures, little information exists for multi-component alloys. As part of the development of a new computer programme for modelling of materials properties (JMatPro), extensive work has been carried out on the development of sound, physically based models for these properties. Wide ranging results will presented for Ni-based alloys, which will include more detailed information concerning the phases formed during solidification and their composition and the density change of the liquid that intrinsically occurs during solidification due to its change in composition. (C) 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
机译:液相和固相的热物理性质是铸造模拟建模中的关键组成部分。这些性质包括固体转化分数,焓释放,导热率,体积和密度均随温度变化。由于难以在凝固温度下通过实验确定此类性能,因此,有关多组分合金的信息很少。作为开发用于材料特性建模的新计算机程序(JMatPro)的一部分,在开发针对这些特性的基于物理的可靠模型方面已进行了广泛的工作。对于镍基合金,将提供广泛的结果,其中将包括有关凝固过程中形成的相及其组成以及由于凝固过程中固有的成分变化而固有地发生的液体密度变化的更详细的信息。 (C)2004 Kluwer学术出版社。



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