首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Integrative Agriculture >Identification of QTLs for grain size and characterization of the beneficial alleles of grain size genes in large grain rice variety BL129

Identification of QTLs for grain size and characterization of the beneficial alleles of grain size genes in large grain rice variety BL129


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Grain size is one of the most important agronomic components of grain yield. Grain length, width and thickness are controlled by multiple quantitative trait loci (QTLs). To understand genetic basis of large grain shape and explore the beneficial alleles for grain size improvement, we perform QTL analysis using an F-2 population derived from a cross between the japonica variety Beilu 129 (BL129, wide and thick grain) and the elite indica variety Huazhan (HZ, narrow and long grain). A total number of eight major QTLs are detected on three different chromosomes. QTLs for grain width (qGW), grain thickness (qGT), brown grain width (qBGW), and brown grain thickness (qBGT) explained 77.67, 36.24, 89.63, and 39.41% of total phenotypic variation, respectively. The large grain rice variety BL129 possesses the beneficial alleles of GW2 and qSW5/GW5, which have been known to control grain width and weight, indicating that the accumulation of the beneficial alleles causes large grain shape in BL129. Further results reveal that the rare gw2 allele from BL129 increases grain width, thickness and weight of the elite indica variety Huazhan, which is used as a parental line in hybrid rice breeding. Thus, our findings will help breeders to carry out molecular design breeding on rice grain size and shape.
机译:粒度是谷物产量最重要的农艺成分之一。谷物的长度,宽度和厚度由多个数量性状基因座(QTL)控制。为了了解大粒形状的遗传基础并探索有益的等位基因,我们使用了粳稻品种北lu129(BL129,宽粒和厚粒)与and稻杂交后代的F-2群体进行QTL分析品种花展(HZ,窄长粒)。在三个不同的染色体上总共检测到八个主要QTL。晶粒宽度(qGW),晶粒厚度(qGT),棕色晶粒宽度(qBGW)和棕色晶粒厚度(qBGT)的QTL分别解释了总表型变异的77.67%,36.24、89.63和39.41%。大粒水稻品种BL129具有GW2和qSW5 / GW5的有益等位基因,已知这些等位基因可控制谷物的宽度和重量,这表明有益等位基因的积累会导致BL129出现大颗粒形状。进一步的结果表明,来自BL129的稀有gw2等位基因增加了作为杂交水稻育种亲本的优良in系华占的籽粒宽度,厚度和重量。因此,我们的发现将有助于育种者对稻米的大小和形状进行分子设计育种。



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