首页> 外文期刊>Journal of managed care pharmacy : >The pursuit of transparency and quality improvement in cost-effectiveness analysis - a case study in disease-modifying drugs for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

The pursuit of transparency and quality improvement in cost-effectiveness analysis - a case study in disease-modifying drugs for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.


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Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) can be a powerful analytic tool for assessing the value of health care interventions when used in conjunction with efficacy, safety, and other supporting data in an evidence-based decision making environment. CEA is commonly defined in terms of the comparison of costs, expressed in monetary units, with outcomes that may be expressed in a variety of ways. One of the most common forms of CEA compares costs in monetary units with outcomes quantified in nonmonetary units (e.g., cancer avoided, death avoided, or successfully treated patient). Cost-utility analysis (CUA) is a form of CEA that compares costs in monetary units with outcomes quantified as a multidimensional measure of effectiveness (e.g., utilities that are used to estimate quality-adjusted life-years [QALYs]). Cost benefit analysis (CBA), another form of CEA that is used less frequently, compares costs and benefits (i.e., outcomes) both of which are quantified in monetary units. Overall, there has been an increasing trend in the use of CEA (CEA, CUA, and CBA) to inform decision making. This trend can be implicitly measured by the frequency of published CEAs over time.
机译:成本效益分析(CEA)在基于证据的决策环境中与功效,安全性和其他支持数据结合使用时,可以成为评估卫生保健干预措施价值的强大分析工具。 CEA通常是根据成本比较(以货币单位表示)和可能以多种方式表示的结果来定义的。 CEA的最常见形式之一是将货币单位的成本与以非货币单位量化的结果进行比较(例如,避免癌症,避免死亡或成功治疗的患者)。成本-效用分析(CUA)是CEA的一种形式,可将货币单位的成本与量化为效果的多维度量的结果进行比较(例如,用于估算质量调整生命年[QALY]的效用)。成本效益分析(CBA)是CEA的另一种使用方式,它不经常使用,它比较成本和收益(即结果),两者均以货币单位进行量化。总体而言,使用CEA(CEA,CUA和CBA)为决策提供信息的趋势有所增加。可以通过随时间推移发布的CEA的频率来隐式地衡量此趋势。



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