首页> 外文期刊>Journal of managed care pharmacy : >Promoting interprofessional collaboration: pharmacy students teaching current and future prescribers about Medicare Part D.

Promoting interprofessional collaboration: pharmacy students teaching current and future prescribers about Medicare Part D.

机译:促进跨专业合作:药房学生教授有关Medicare D部分的当前和未来处方药。

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BACKGROUND: Nearly all health professional students and prescribers, regardless of specialty, will care for older adults who are enrolled in or eligible for the Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit. Given the growing numbers of older adults, the increased burden of chronic disease, and the escalating costs of health care, health professional students and prescribers across disciplines should learn strategies to promote cost-effective prescribing and collaborate with pharmacists who are experts in medication use and costs. OBJECTIVE: To describe and evaluate the impact of a statewide peer education program in which selected students at 7 California schools of pharmacy delivered a clinically relevant lecture on Part D to a multidisciplinary audience of health professional students and prescribers. METHODS: Trained pharmacy students delivered a case-based lecture on Medicare Part D to other health professional students and prescribers throughout the state of California. An 11-item survey designed to evaluate (a) self-assessed Part D knowledge, (b) opinion of pharmacists' roles on the health care team, (c) intent to collaborate with pharmacists, and (d) awareness of cost-savings strategies to reduce patients' out-of-pocket drug costs was administered before and after the lecture. Pre-lecture versus post-lecture results were tested for statistical significance using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test with Bonferroni adjustment of alpha to 0.004 because of multiple comparisons. RESULTS: From October 2008 through May 2010, trained students from 7 pharmacy schools gave 58 presentations to a total of 1,490 current or future prescribers, including 304 nurse practitioner students and 279 resident physicians. At baseline pre-lecture, self-rated knowledge of Medicare Part D was generally poor; only 4.9% of respondents strongly agreed that "I understand the Medicare Part D benefit," and 6.6% strongly agreed that they could "identify key Medicare Part D resources to help my patients." Nine of 11 survey items showed statistically significant improvement (P less than 0.001), including all 4 items in the Part D knowledge domain and all 5 items in the intent-to-collaborate domain (e.g., "I consult with pharmacists and/or pharmacy students about drug costs"). Outcomes were similar across the 7 schools. CONCLUSION: At pre-lecture baseline, self-reported deficits in knowledge about Part D policy and drug cost-savings resources and strategies existed among medical, nursing and physician assistant students, resident physicians, and other health professionals. A pharmacy student-led peer education lecture can be used to bridge this gap, resulting in timely dissemination of geriatrics health policy information and increased awareness of pharmacists' roles and expertise in pharmaceutical health policy and patient care.
机译:背景:几乎所有健康专业的学生和处方者,无论专业如何,都将照顾已参加或有资格享受Medicare D部分处方药福利的老年人。鉴于老年人数量的增加,慢性病负担的增加以及医疗保健费用的不断上涨,跨学科的卫生专业学生和开处方者应学习促进成本有效开处方的策略,并与作为药物使用和治疗专家的药剂师合作。费用。目的:描述和评估一项全州同伴教育计划的影响,在该计划中,加利福尼亚州7所药房的选定学生为卫生专业学生和开处方者的多学科听众提供了有关D部分的临床相关讲座。方法:受过训练的药学专业的学生在整个加利福尼亚州向其他卫生专业的学生和处方者讲授了有关Medicare D部分的基于案例的讲座。一项11项调查旨在评估(a)自我评估的D部分知识,(b)药剂师在卫生保健团队中的角色的观点,(c)与药剂师合作的意图以及(d)节约成本的意识在演讲前后,我们采取了减少患者自付费药成本的策略。使用Wilcoxon符号秩检验,将Bonferroni调整为0.004,这是因为进行了多次比较,测试了课前和课后结果的统计学显着性。结果:从2008年10月到2010年5月,来自7家药房学校的受过训练的学生对58位演讲者进行了演讲,总计1,490名目前或将来的处方者,其中包括304名执业护士生和279名住院医师。在基线授课前,Medicare D部分的自评知识普遍较差;只有4.9%的受访者强烈同意“我了解Medicare D部分的好处”,而有6.6%的强烈同意他们可以“确定关键的Medicare D部分资源来帮助我的患者”。 11个调查项目中有9个显示出统计学上的显着改善(P小于0.001),包括D部分知识领域的所有4个项目和意图合作领域的所有5个项目(例如,“我咨询药剂师和/或药房学生了解药物费用”)。 7所学校的结果相似。结论:在演讲前的基线,医学,护理和医师助理学生,住院医师和其他卫生专业人员之间存在关于D部分政策和节省药物成本的资源和策略的自我报告的知识不足。可以使用药房学生主导的同伴教育讲座来弥合这一差距,从而及时传播老年医学卫生政策信息,并提高人们对药剂师在药物卫生政策和患者护理中的作用和专业知识的认识。



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