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Sustainable planning? first results in land uptakes in rural, natural and protected areas: The Lombardia case study (Italy)


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In Italy, the general lack of up-to-date information on land use/land cover changes is further hampered by the scarcity of monitoring systems for planning and environmental policies. More than putting Italy in an unfavourable position among its international partners, it reveals just how little attention is paid to a theme so important for guiding planning towards a more sustainable approach. Despite this anomalous situation, remedial steps are being taken. New geographic data are slowly becoming available, albeit for limited areas and over short-time intervals. This is the case of the recent raster land cover database, produced in 2005, by the Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale (ARPA) of the Lombardia Region (Italy). The database was derived from Landsat-Thematic Mapper satellite images and covers the years 1999 and 2004. In this study, the above-mentioned database was used to assess land cover changes between 1999 and 2004. Transition matrices were generated to highlight changes and analyses were carried out to verify which land cover classes were subject to the major changes of becoming urban areas. We consider the obtained results of outstanding importance, especially in Italy, as they might redirect planning strategies and environmental policies (from local to regional level) towards more sustainable approaches. They can also help reveal the weaknesses and successful strategies and strengthen the role of land use/land cover monitoring for preliminary impact assessment.
机译:在意大利,由于缺乏用于规划和环境政策的监控系统,进一步缺乏关于土地使用/土地覆被变化的最新信息。它不仅使意大利在其国际伙伴中处于不利地位,而且还揭示出人们对这一主题的关注很少,该主题对于指导计划朝着更可持续的方式发展如此重要。尽管存在这种异常情况,但仍在采取补救措施。尽管地理区域有限且间隔时间很短,但新的地理数据正在逐渐变得可用。这就是最近的栅格土地覆盖数据库的例子,该数据库是由伦巴第大区(意大利)的Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale(ARPA)于2005年制作的。该数据库来自Landsat-Thematic Mapper卫星图像,涵盖1999年和2004年。在本研究中,使用上述数据库评估了1999年至2004年的土地覆盖变化。生成了过渡矩阵以突出显示变化,并进行了分析。进行了验证,以确认哪些土地覆被类别受到城市地区重大变化的影响。我们认为所获得的结果具有特别重要的意义,尤其是在意大利,因为它们可能会将规划策略和环境政策(从地方到地区)转向更可持续的方法。它们还可以帮助揭示弱点和成功的策略,并增强土地使用/土地覆盖率监测在初步影响评估中的作用。



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