首页> 外文期刊>Journal of laparoendoscopic and advanced surgical techniques, Part A >The evaluation of laparoscopy-assisted cholangiography in the diagnosis of prolonged jaundice in infants.

The evaluation of laparoscopy-assisted cholangiography in the diagnosis of prolonged jaundice in infants.


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BACKGROUND: Biliary atresia (BA) is the progressive inflammatory obstruction and fibro-obliteration of all or part of the extrahepatic biliary tree and the intrahepatic bile ducts and has its onset exclusively within the first several months of life. This study was undertaken to present the value of diagnostic laparoscopy in infants with prolonged jaundice and technique for laparoscopic cholangiography. METHODS: A 5-mm umbilical trocar was introduced to create a port for a 30-degree laparoscope. If the gallbladder was of good size, the fundus was exteriorized through the right subcostal trocar site and a catheter was inserted into the gallbladder for cholangiography, following partial dissection from the liver bed, if required. If the gallbladder was atretic, the fundus was not exteriorized and a laparotomy was performed and cholangiography was abandoned, because the lumen of an atretic gallbladder was usually not fully patent. RESULTS: At laparoscopy, 12 patients had good-sized gallbladders and minimal-to-mild liver fibrosis. They underwent cholangiography via the exteriorized fundus, and infantile hepatitis syndrome (HIS) or cholestatic syndrome (CS) in 8 cases, BA in 2 cases, and biliary hypoplasia (CBDH) in 2 cases were identified. Five patients' gallbladders dissected from the liver bed underwent cholangiography, and BA in 3 cases and CBDH in 2 cases were identified. The remaining 21 had atretic gallbladders and varying degrees of liver fibrosis, so cholangiography via the exteriorized fundus was abandoned and converted to open Kasai portoenterostomy. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopy-assisted cholangiography is a simple, accurate, and safe method in the diagnosis of prolonged jaundice in infants and allows the anatomic structure of the biliary tree to be obtained accurately with minimal surgical intervention.
机译:背景:胆道闭锁(BA)是肝外胆道树和肝内胆管全部或部分的进行性炎症性阻塞和纤维化闭塞,仅在生命的最初几个月内才开始发作。这项研究的目的是介绍诊断性腹腔镜检查在黄疸延长的婴儿和腹腔镜胆道造影技术中的价值。方法:引入5毫米脐带套管针以创建30度腹腔镜的端口。如果胆囊大小合适,可通过右肋下套管针部位将眼底外露,并在必要时从肝床部分切除后将导管插入胆囊进行胆管造影。如果胆囊是闭锁性的,则眼底没有外化并且开腹手术并且放弃了胆道造影术,因为闭锁性胆囊的内腔通常没有完全的专利。结果:在腹腔镜检查中,有12例患者有大胆囊和最小至轻度肝纤维化。他们通过外部眼底进行了胆道造影,发现婴儿肝炎综合征(HIS)或胆汁淤积综合征(CS)8例,BA 2例,胆道发育不良(CBDH)2例。对5例从肝床切开的胆囊进行了胆道造影,发现BA 3例,CBDH 2例。其余的21例患有闭锁性胆囊和不同程度的肝纤维化,因此放弃了通过外部眼底进行的胆管造影,并将其转换为开放式Kasai肠肠吻合术。结论:腹腔镜辅助胆管造影术是诊断婴儿长期黄疸的一种简单,准确和安全的方法,可通过最少的外科手术干预准确地获得胆道树的解剖结构。



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