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Computer Ethics as a Field of Applied Ethics


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The present essay includes an overview of key milestones in the development of computer ethics (CE) as afield of applied ethics. It also describes the ongoing debate about the proper scope of CE, as a subfield both in applied ethics and computer science. Following a brief description of the cluster of ethical issues that CE scholars and practitioners have generally considered to be the standard or "mainstream" issues comprising the field thus far, the essay speculates about the future direction of CE and describes some theoretical and practical questions that will likely arise. We are discussing no small matter, but how we ought to live. Socrates (in Plato's Republic, Book 1:352d) Ethics is serious, and very difficult.... [It] is about human beings ... in the human pursuit of...a standard of right conduct or virtue. Lisa H. Newton (1989, pp. 254-55)
机译:本文概述了作为应用伦理学领域的计算机伦理学(CE)发展中的重要里程碑。它还描述了关于CE的适当范围的持续辩论,CE是应用伦理学和计算机科学的一个子领域。在简要介绍了CE学者和从业人员通常将其视为构成该领域的标准或“主流”问题的一系列伦理问题之后,本文推测了CE的未来发展方向,并描述了一些理论和实践问题,可能会出现。我们正在讨论的不是小事,而是我们应该如何生活。苏格拉底(在柏拉图共和国,书1:352d)伦理学是严肃的,而且非常困难…………这是关于人类……人类追求……正确的行为或品德标准。丽莎·牛顿(Lisa H.Newton)(1989,254-55页)



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