首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Intelligent Systems >Cascading SOFM and RBF Networks for Categorization and Indexing of Fly Ashes

Cascading SOFM and RBF Networks for Categorization and Indexing of Fly Ashes


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The objective of this work is to categorize the available fly ashes in different parts of the world into distinct groups based on its compositional attributes. Kohonen's self-organizing feature map and radial basis function networks are applied in a cascading fashion for the classification of fly ashes in terms of its chemical parameters. The basic procedure of the methodology consists of three stages: (1) apply self-organizing neural net to ascertain possible number of groups, delineate them and identify the group sensitive attributes; (2) find mean values of sensitive attributes of the elicited groups and augment them as start-up prototypes in k -means algorithm and find the refined centroids of these groups; (3) incorporate the centroids in a two layer radial basis function network and fine-tune the delineated groups and develop an indexing equation using the weights of the stabilized network. Further, to demonstrate the utility of this classification scheme, the so formed groups were correlated with their performance in High Volume Fly Ash Concrete System [HVFAC]. The categorization was found to be excellent and compares well with Canadian Standard Association's [CSA A 3000] classification scheme.
机译:这项工作的目的是根据其成分属性将世界不同地区的可用粉煤灰分类为不同的组。 Kohonen的自组织特征图和径向基函数网络以级联方式应用于粉煤灰的化学参数分类。该方法的基本过程包括三个阶段:(1)应用自组织神经网络来确定可能的组数,描绘它们并识别组敏感属性; (2)在k均值算法中找到被激发群体的敏感属性的平均值,并将其作为初始原型进行扩充,并找到这些群体的精炼质心。 (3)将质心合并到两层径向基函数网络中,并对所描绘的组进行微调,并使用稳定网络的权重建立索引方程。此外,为了证明该分类方案的实用性,将如此形成的组与其在高粉煤灰混凝土系统[HVFAC]中的性能相关联。发现该分类非常好,并且与加拿大标准协会的[CSA A 3000]分类方案比较。



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