首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing >A weighted-coupled network-based quality control method for improving key features in product manufacturing process

A weighted-coupled network-based quality control method for improving key features in product manufacturing process


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There are some complicated coupling relations among quality features (QFs) in manufacturing process. Generally, the machining errors of one key feature may cause some errors of other features which are coupled with the key one. Considering the roles of key QFs, the weighted-coupled network-based quality control method for improving key features is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the W-CN model is established by defining the mapping rules of network elements (i.e. node, edge, weight). Secondly, some performance indices are introduced to evaluate the properties of W-CN. The influence index of node is calculated to identify the key nodes representing key features. Thirdly, three coupling modes of nodes are discussed and coupling degrees of key nodes are calculated to describe the coupling strengthen. Then, the decoupling method based on small world optimization algorithm is discussed to analyze the status changes of key nodes accurately. Finally, a case of engine cylinder body is presented to illustrate and verify the proposed method. The results show that the method is able to provide guidance for improving product quality in manufacturing process



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