首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Insect Conservation >Landscape-scale response to local habitat restoration in the regal fritillary butterfly (Speyeria idalia) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)

Landscape-scale response to local habitat restoration in the regal fritillary butterfly (Speyeria idalia) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)

机译:富豪性贝母蝴蝶(Speyeria idalia)对鳞翅目地方生境恢复的景观尺度响应(鳞翅目::科)

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The butterfly Speyeria idalia was once a widespread species in the midwestern United States, but declined precipitously during the 1980s. By the early 1990s in NW Indiana and adjacent NE Illinois, it was reduced to a single site where it persisted as a precarious three deme metapopulation managed using prescribed fire. In 1996, a large-scale high diversity restoration was initiated at the site to restore ecological connectivity for grassland and oak barrens communities across the site. Among many restoration goals, we included restoring connectivity for habitat restricted insect communities across the highly fragmented site. In support of that goal, we included over 620 local genotype plant species in the restoration. S. idalia responded positively to the restoration and was the most abundant butterfly across the site in 2014. Ironically, we incorrectly considered the primary hostplant at the site, Viola bicolor, to be non-native when we initiated the restoration and did not include it in our seed mixes. This weedy annual aggressively expanded into the restoration without our assistance. We believe that we transformed the precarious metapopulation into a well-connected patchy population across the restoration. In addition, the butterfly occupied previously unoccupied habitats far beyond the restoration. This suggests that we have created a regional mainland-island metapopulation structure, with the restoration serving as a source of immigrants that sustains colonization rates at or above the rate of local deme extinction across a landscape that currently spans almost 60 km.
机译:蝴蝶Speyeria idalia曾经在美国中西部广为传播,但在1980年代急剧下降。到1990年代初,在印第安纳州西北部和邻近的伊利诺伊州东北,它被减少为一个地点,并通过使用规定的火势管理着不稳定的三个角点种群而继续存在。 1996年,该地点开始了大规模的高多样性恢复活动,以恢复整个地点草地和橡树荒地社区的生态联系。在许多恢复目标中,我们包括在高度分散的站点上恢复栖息地受限的昆虫群落的连通性。为了实现这一目标,我们在修复中纳入了620多种本地基因型植物物种。 S. idalia对修复的反应很积极,是2014年整个站点中蝴蝶数量最多的蝴蝶。具有讽刺意味的是,当我们启动修复时,我们错误地认为该站点的主要寄主植物Viola bicolor是非本地的,并且不包括在内在我们的种子混合物中。这个杂草丛生的一年生植物在没有我们协助的情况下积极地扩展到了修复中。我们相信,我们已将不稳定的种群转变为整个修复过程中连接良好的斑驳种群。此外,蝴蝶还占据了原先未被占用的栖息地,远远超出了恢复。这表明我们已经建立了一个区域性的大陆-岛屿转移种群结构,该修复体可以作为移民的来源,在整个近60 km的景观中,其殖民化率维持在或高于局部灭绝速度。



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