首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hydrology >Genetic modeling for the optimal forecasting of hydrologic time-series: Application in Nestos River

Genetic modeling for the optimal forecasting of hydrologic time-series: Application in Nestos River


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River flow forecasting consists one of the most important applications in modern hydrology, especially for the effective hydropower reservoir management. In this paper, an innovative non-linear time-series fitting and forecasting model is proposed, consisting of the following sub-modules: (a) the division of the time-series into generations, by identifying the structural change points, (b) the generation decomposition into linear trend, harmonic component and autoregressive component, consisting of several gene ARMA models, (c) the use of fuzzy methods to determine the relative weight of each gene model, and (d) the time-series expansion for the optimal forecasting. The method was applied to the mean monthly Nestos River discharge data for the 1966-2006 period, recorded at the Greek-Bulgarian border, serving as inflow to the Thissavros Hydropower Reservoir. The selected series was divided into five distinctive generations representing periods of gradual surface runoff reduction. It occurred that mean monthly discharge during the fifth generation was almost halved, compared to the corresponding value of the first generation. Harmonic decomposition produced periods in agreement with the large-scale atmospheric fluctuations, while ARIMA modeling performed on the residuals from a pre-defined gene model-base, produced satisfactory fitting to the measured flow series. Model expansion for the last 2 years (2005-2006) of the time-series illustrated reasonable good approximations. Model forecasts during 2005 followed closely the recorded variability, with MAPE and RMSE statistics indicating increased model accuracy. Overall, it is evident that the model slightly underpredicts Nestos River discharge, while slight overestimation occurs under high river flow conditions (winter 2006). Although current research proved model's distinct capability and advantages in river flow fitting and medium-scale forecast, future improvement could facilitate the use of more elaborative models (ARCH, fuzzy, ANN), in the developed gene model-base.
机译:河流流量预报是现代水文学中最重要的应用之一,尤其是对有效的水电水库管理而言。本文提出了一种创新的非线性时间序列拟合和预测模型,该模型包括以下子模块:(a)通过识别结构变化点将时间序列划分为几代;(b)将生成分解为线性趋势,谐波分量和自回归分量,包括几个基因ARMA模型,(c)使用模糊方法确定每个基因模型的相对权重,以及(d)最优的时间序列扩展预测。该方法已应用于1966年至2006年期间内斯托斯河的月平均流量数据,该数据记录在希腊-保加利亚边界处,作为Thissavros水电站水库的入流量。选定的系列分为五个独特的世代,代表逐渐减少的地表径流时期。与第一代的相应值相比,第五代的平均月排放量几乎减少了一半。谐波分解产生的周期与大气的大尺度波动相一致,而ARIMA模型对预定义基因模型库中的残差进行了建模,可以很好地拟合所测流量序列。时间序列的最近2年(2005-2006年)的模型扩展说明了合理的近似值。 2005年期间的模型预测紧随记录的可变性,MAPE和RMSE统计数据表明模型的准确性有所提高。总的来说,很明显,该模型略微低估了内斯托斯河的流量,而在高流量的情况下(2006年冬季),发生了高估。尽管目前的研究证明了该模型在河流流量拟合和中等规模预报中的独特能力和优势,但未来的改进可以促进在已开发的基因模型库中使用更多详尽的模型(ARCH,Fuzzy,ANN)。



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