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The applicability of power-law frequency statistics to foods


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Many natural hazards satisfy power-law (fractal) frequency-size statistics to a good approximation for medium and large events. Examples include earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, asteroid impacts, landslides, and forest fires. A major question is whether this is also true for floods. A number of authors have argued in favor of the applicability of power-law statistics to floods. We discuss these arguments and consider a number of examples, using both instrumental records and paleoflood studies. In our analyses we consider both annual and partial-duration flood series. We argue that use of annual floods for statistical considerations strongly biases the flood-frequency estimates, as in some years, the annual flood will be much smaller than a number of `statistically independent' floods (partial-duration floods) in other years. We examine six USGS hydrologic stations with drainage areas from 41 to 95,300 km(2), representing very different climatic regions and hydrologic conditions, and with periods of records ranging from 74 to 110 water years. Excellent power-law fits to each partial-duration series are found taking Q similar to T-alpha, with Q the discharge associated with the recurrence interval T, and the power-law exponent a ranging from 0.27 to 0.90. We also consider paleoflood estimates for Axehandle Alcove on the Colorado River and Bonza Alcove on the Paria River, and find that that power-law extrapolations based on instrumental partial-duration series for stations in each of these two areas is within a half order of magnitude when compared to their respective paleoflood estimates. Finally, we consider an alternative approach to extreme streamflows that has been proposed, examining the cumulative probability distribution of instrumental daily mean streamflows. We show that this distribution is in good agreement with the power-law correlation found using the partial-duration series. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:许多自然灾害都满足幂律(分形)频率大小的统计数据,非常适合中大型事件。例如地震,火山喷发,小行星撞击,山体滑坡和森林大火。一个主要的问题是,洪水是否同样如此。许多作者争辩说,幂律统计适用于洪水。我们使用工具记录和古洪水研究来讨论这些论点并考虑许多示例。在我们的分析中,我们同时考虑了年度和部分持续时间的洪水序列。我们认为,出于统计考虑而使用年度洪水会严重影响洪水频率的估计,因为在某些年份中,年度洪水将比其他年份的许多“统计独立”洪水(部分持续时间的洪水)小得多。我们检查了6个USGS水文站,其流域面积从41到95,300 km(2),代表了非常不同的气候区域和水文条件,记录时期从74到110水年。发现对于每个部分工期系列而言,极好的幂律拟合都具有与T-alpha类似的Q,其中Q的放电与递归间隔T有关,幂律指数介于0.27至0.90之间。我们还考虑了科罗拉多河上的Axehandle凹室和帕里亚河上的Bonza凹室的古洪水估计,并且发现基于这两个区域中每个站点的仪器部分持续时间序列的幂律外推法在半个数量级内与他们各自的古洪水估算值相比。最后,我们考虑了已提出的另一种极端流量的方法,即检查工具性日均流量的累积概率分布。我们表明,该分布与使用部分持续时间序列发现的幂律相关性非常一致。 (c)2005 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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