首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hydrology >Modelling impacts of regulation on flows to the Lowbidgee floodplain of the Murrumbidgee River, Australia

Modelling impacts of regulation on flows to the Lowbidgee floodplain of the Murrumbidgee River, Australia


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Major wetland systems have been significantly affected by alteration of flows by dams and subsequent abstraction upstream around the world. Estimating the level of this impact is particularly difficult where there is high flow variability, such as dryland rivers in Australia. Such information remains critical for assessing ecological impacts to ecosystems (e.g. long-lived flood-dependent trees). To determine effects of flow reduction to a large floodplain wetland, we built statistical flow models, integrated flow and flood modelling (IFFM), for the extensive and ecologically important Lowbidgee wetland, supplied by the Murrumbidgee River, based on local annual rainfall and upstream flow data (1880-2010). Large volumes of water are diverted upstream primarily for irrigation and to Australia's capital city, Canberra, achieved with 26 large dams: Burrinjuck Dam, Snowy Mountains Scheme dams and other upper catchment dams. We identified two periods using structural change analysis, low (before 1957) and high (after 1958) regulated periods; the year marked significant alteration in monthly flow at Redbank gauge, within the Lowbidgee wetland, after which most major dams were built. To determine differences in flow between these periods, we developed two models for three flow gauges on the lower Murrumbidgee River: Hay, Maude and Redbank. The latter two were within the floodplain wetland. The models were based on annual rainfall from stations in the upper catchment and flow, using LOESS and leave-one-out samples without overfitting. This flexible local polynomial regression method was a useful approach to modelling complex processes without theoretical models. The proposed low and high regulated models performed well using the goodness of fit (Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient of efficiency >= 91.5%) and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (p > 0.9999), i.e., there was no significant difference between the observed and fitted distributions of flow data at the Hay, Maude and Redbank flow gauges for both before 1957 and after 1958 periods. And these models were used to extend and predict annual low and high regulated flows from 1880 to 2010, where the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (p < 0.0001) compared low and high regulated flow data, identifying significant reductions in long-term annual median flow between low and high river regulation within the lower Murrumbidgee (47.22% for the Maude and 52.58% for the Redbank flow gauges). Considerable degradation has occurred to floodplain during the period of high flow regulation. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:大坝的水流变化和随后的上游上游抽水严重影响了主要的湿地系统。在流量变化较大的地方(例如澳大利亚的旱地河流),估计这种影响的程度尤其困难。这些信息对于评估对生态系统的生态影响仍然至关重要(例如长寿命的依赖洪水的树木)。为了确定对大型洪泛区湿地减少流量的影响,我们根据当地的年降雨量和上游流量,为Murrumbidgee河提供的广泛的,具有生态学意义的Lowbidgee湿地建立了统计流量模型,综合流量和洪水模型(IFFM)数据(1880-2010)。大量的水主要从上游转移,用于灌溉,再到澳大利亚的首都堪培拉,共有26座大水坝实现了这些水坝:Burrinjuck水坝,Snowy Mountains Scheme水坝和其他上游集水坝。我们使用结构变化分析确定了两个时期,即低(1957年前)和高(1958之后)调节期。这一年标志着Lowbidgee湿地内雷德班克水位的月流量发生了显着变化,之后建造了大多数主要水坝。为了确定这两个时期之间流量的差异,我们为穆伦比基河下游的三个流量表开发了两个模型:海耶,毛德和雷德班克。后两个地区位于洪泛区湿地内。这些模型基于上流域和流量上游站的年降水量,使用了LOESS和一劳永逸的样本而没有过度拟合。这种灵活的局部多项式回归方法是一种无需理论模型即可对复杂过程进行建模的有用方法。使用拟合优度(Nash-Sutcliffe效率系数> = 91.5%)和Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验(p> 0.9999),建议的低调节模型和高调节模型表现良好,即观察到的分布与拟合分布之间无显着差异1957年之前和1958年之后的Hay,Maude和Redbank流量表的流量数据。这些模型用于扩展和预测1880年至2010年的年低和高调节流量,其中Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验(p <0.0001)比较了低和高调节流量数据,确定了长期平均年流量之间的显着减少较低的Murrumbidgee内河水的高低调节(Maude为47.22%,Redbank流量表为52.58%)。在高流量调节期间,洪泛区发生了相当大的退化。 (C)2014 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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