首页> 外文期刊>Journal of human hypertension >Echocardiographic definition of left ventricular hypertrophy in the hypertensive: which method of indexation of left ventricular mass?

Echocardiographic definition of left ventricular hypertrophy in the hypertensive: which method of indexation of left ventricular mass?


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OBJECTIVES: It has been suggested that hypertensives at high risk of cardiovascular complications can be identified on the basis of their left ventricular mass as determined echographically. However, there is as yet a lack of consensus on the mode of indexation (body surface area, height, height 2.7) of left ventricular mass (LVM), and on the cut-off values for definition of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). The main objective of this study is to test the influence of the different modes of indexation for LVM on the prevalence of LVH in a population of never treated hypertensive patients on the basis of cut-offs for LVM based upon its relationship with ambulatory blood pressure (BP) measurement. METHODS: A population of 363 untreated hypertensives was investigated using a standardised procedure. The men and women were analysed separately. We studied the relationship between mean daytime ambulatory systolic BP and LVM and calculated the LVM cut-off for a BP of 135 mm Hg using three different methods of indexation. On the basis of these criteria, the population was divided into those with and those without LVH. RESULTS: The prevalence of LVH was found to be higher when LVM was indexed to height2.7 (50.4%) or height (50.1%). Prevalence was lowest when LVM was indexed to body surface area (48.2%), which tended to minimise the hypertrophy in obese individuals. Only indexation by height 2.7 fully compensates for relationships between height and ventricular mass in this population. CONCLUSIONS: Indexing LVM to height 2.7 thus appeared to give a more sensitive estimate of LVH by eliminating the influence of growth. Cut-offs of 47 g/m2.7 in women and 53 g/m2.7 in men corresponded to a cardiovascular risk indicated by a daytime systolic BP >/=135 mm Hg.
机译:目的:已建议可以通过超声检查确定左心室肿块来确定具有心血管并发症高风险的高血压。然而,关于左心室重量(LVM)的指数化模式(体表面积,身高,身高2.7)以及定义左心室肥大(LVH)的临界值,仍缺乏共识。这项研究的主要目的是,根据LVM与门诊血压的关系,根据LVM的临界值,测试未经治疗的高血压患者人群中LVM的不同指数化模式对LVH患病率的影响( BP)测量。方法:采用标准化程序研究了363例未经治疗的高血压人群。男女分别进行了分析。我们研究了平均日间动态收缩压与LVM之间的关系,并使用三种不同的索引方法计算了135 mm Hg的BP的LVM截止值。根据这些标准,将人群分为有和没有LVH的人群。结果:当将LVM指数定为height2.7(50.4%)或height(50.1%)时,LVH的患病率更高。当LVM指向体表面积时,患病率最低(48.2%),这倾向于使肥胖个体的肥大最小化。只有身高2.7分度才能完全补偿该人群中身高与心室质量之间的关系。结论:因此,通过消除生长的影响,将LVM索引到2.7高度似乎可以更敏感地估计LVH。妇女的临界值分别为47 g / m2.7和男性的53 g / m2.7,对应于白天收缩压BP> / = 135 mm Hg所表明的心血管风险。



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