首页> 外文期刊>Journal of geophysical research. Solid earth: JGR >Non-contact infrared temperature measurements in dry permafrost boreholes

Non-contact infrared temperature measurements in dry permafrost boreholes


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While planning the COAST Expedition to the Siberian Laptev Sea in 2005, the question of how to make a short equilibrium temperature measurement in a dry borehole arose. As a result, an infrared borehole tool was developed and used in three dry boreholes (up to 60.2 m deep) in the coastal transition zone from terrestrial to sub-sea permafrost near Mamontovy Klyk in the western Laptev Sea. A depth versus temperature profile was acquired with equilibration times of 50 × 10?3 s at each depth interval. Comparison with a common resistor string revealed an offset due to limitations of accuracy of the infrared technique and the influence of the probe's massive steel housing. Therefore it was necessary to calibrate the infrared sensor with a high precision temperature logger in each borehole. The results of the temperature measurements show a highly dynamic transition zone with temperature gradients up to ?0.092°C/m and heat flow of ?218 mW/m. A period of submergence of only 600 years the drilled sub-sea permafrost is approaching the overlying seawater temperature at ?1.61°C with a temperature gradient of 0.021°C/m and heat flow of 49 mW/m. Further offshore, 11 km from the coastline, a temperature gradient of 0.006°C/m and heat flow of 14 mW/m occur. Thus the sub-sea permafrost in the Mamontovy Klyk region has reached a critical temperature for the presence of interstitial ice. The aim of this article is to give a brief feasibility study of infrared downhole temperature measurements and to present experiences and results of its successful application.
机译:在2005年计划对西伯利亚拉普捷夫海进行COAST探险时,出现了如何在干燥的井眼中进行短暂的平衡温度测量的问题。结果,开发了一种红外钻孔工具,并在拉普捷夫海西部Mamontovy Klyk附近从陆地到海底多年冻土的沿海过渡带中的三个干燥钻孔(深达60.2 m)中使用。在每个深度间隔的平衡时间为50×10?3 s时,获得了深度与温度的关系曲线。与普通电阻器串的比较表明,由于红外技术精度的限制以及探头的大型钢制外壳的影响,导致了偏移。因此,有必要在每个钻孔中用高精度温度记录仪校准红外传感器。温度测量的结果显示出一个高度动态的过渡带,温度梯度高达〜0.092°C / m,热流为〜218 mW / m。仅600年的淹没期,所钻出的海底多年冻土就达到了上覆的海水温度,约为1.61°C,温度梯度为0.021°C / m,热流为49 mW / m。在离海岸线11公里的更远的海上,出现了0.006°C / m的温度梯度和14mW / m的热流。因此,Mamontovy Klyk地区的海底多年冻土已达到存在间隙冰的临界温度。本文的目的是简要介绍红外井下温度测量的可行性,并介绍其成功应用的经验和结果。



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