首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Ichthyology >Comparative Characteristic of Sableflsh Anoplopoma fimbria in Catches with Passive and Active Fishing Gear in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean

Comparative Characteristic of Sableflsh Anoplopoma fimbria in Catches with Passive and Active Fishing Gear in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean


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According to materials of trap, long-line, and trawl fishing, speciTic features of distribution of sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria and some of its biological characteristics in Pacific waters off the southeastern coast of Kamchatka, continental slope ofthe western part of the Benng Sea, Shirshov Underwater Ridge, and off the Commander Islands are considered. Maximum density concentrations according to data oi trap fish ing was noted along southeastern coast of Kamchatka and the data of trawl fishing indicated most frequent catches in the western part of the Bering Sea in the area of Koryak coast up to Cape Navarin The pattern o vertical distribution in different areas considerably differs. The mapitude of trap catches m different areas is different and determined by the type of trap and the period of soaking. The size composition, fatness, and the sex ratio are different in catches of different fishing gear and differ between regions. On the whole, in Russian Far Eastern waters, females mature in mass at a body length of 71 cm and males at 57 cm.



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