首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences >Seasonal characteristics of tropospheric ozone production and mixing ratios over East Asia: A global three-dimensional chemical transport model analysis

Seasonal characteristics of tropospheric ozone production and mixing ratios over East Asia: A global three-dimensional chemical transport model analysis


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We examine seasonal and geographical distributions of tropospheric ozone production and mixing ratios over East Asia with a global three-dimensional chemical transport model called Model of Ozone and Related Tracers, version 1 (MOZART 1). Net ozone production within the East Asian boundary layer exhibits three distinct seasonal cycles depending on region (north of 20 degrees N, 5-20 degrees N and south of 5 degrees N). North of 20 degrees N, net ozone production over East Asia from spring through autumn is found to have a maximum extending from 25 degrees N-40 degrees N and from central eastern China to Japan, resulting from the strong emission and transport of anthropogenic O-3 precursors. In winter, maximum O-3 production in this region occurs between 20 degrees N and 30 degrees N, This is a region of long-range transport. Over the Indochina peninsula, between 5 degrees N and 20 degrees N, net O-3 production is controlled by the seasonal cycle between wet and dry seasons and has a maximum at the end of the dry season due to emissions from biomass burning. South of 5 degrees N, in the true tropics, O-3 mixing ratios are relatively constant throughout the year and do not exhibit a seasonal cycle. A spring-summer maximum of net O-3 production is found throughout the troposphere in East Asia. We estimate an annual net O-3 production in East Asia of 117 Tg/yr, Both model results and analysis of measurements of O-3/CO correlations over East Asia and Japan show strong variability as a function of both photochemical activity and seasonal meteorology, and indicate ozone export off the coast of East Asia in spring. An upper estimate of O-3 export from East Asia to the Pacific Ocean in the mid-1980s of 3.3 Gmol/d (58 Tg/yr) is obtained. [References: 73]
机译:我们使用称为臭氧模型和相关示踪剂模型的全球三维化学迁移模型,版本1(MOZART 1),检查了东亚对流层臭氧产量和混合比的季节性和地理分布。东亚边界层内的臭氧净产量表现出三个明显的季节性周期,具体取决于区域(北纬20度,北纬5-20度和北纬5度以南)。在南北20度以内,由于人为O-的强烈排放和运输,从春季到秋季,东亚的臭氧净产量最大范围是从25北至40度,从中国东部到日本。 3个前体。在冬季,该区域的O-3产量最高,在20度N和30度N之间。这是一个长距离运输区域。在印度支那半岛的北纬5度到20度之间,O-3净产量受湿季和旱季之间的季节周期控制,由于生物质燃烧产生的排放,在旱季末达到最高水平。在真热带以南5度以南,O-3的混合比例全年相对稳定,没有季节性变化。在整个东亚对流层,春季到夏季的O-3净生产量最高。我们估计东亚的O-3年净产量为117 Tg /年。模型结果和对东亚和日本O-3 / CO相关性的测量分析表明,光化学活性和季节性气象函数具有很强的可变性,并指出春季春季出口到东亚沿海的臭氧。在1980年代中期,从东亚向太平洋出口O-3的最高估计数为3.3 Gmol / d(58 Tg /年)。 [参考:73]



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