首页> 外文期刊>Journal of hypertension >Sometimes you simply have to wait: Sympathetic activity in women with hypertensive pregnancies

Sometimes you simply have to wait: Sympathetic activity in women with hypertensive pregnancies


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Cardiovascular organ damage takes many years or even decades to ensue. Large epidemiological studies, such as the Framingham Heart Study, have been indispensable in delineating hitherto unknown cardiovascular risk factors. Yet, the sheer size of these studies limits invasiveness and intensity of the physiological characterization. Much of the research applying more sophisticated methodologies in smaller samples has a rather limited time frame. In real life, the data have to be in within a few years to support the next manuscript, grant proposals, or academic promotions. Another approach is to carefully assess patients, to document the findings, and to keep the data in a safe place for the next generation of clinical scientists. Approximately 40 years ago, Swedish scientists laid the foundation for a manuscript published in the present issue of the Journal of Hypertension [1].
机译:随之而来的是心血管器官的损伤需要很多年甚至几十年的时间。大型流行病学研究(例如Framingham心脏研究)在描述迄今未知的心血管危险因素方面是必不可少的。然而,这些研究的庞大规模限制了生理学表征的侵入性和强度。在较小的样本中应用更复杂的方法的许多研究的时限都非常有限。在现实生活中,数据必须在几年之内才能支持下一份手稿,赠款提案或学术推广。另一种方法是仔细评估患者,记录发现结果,并将数据保存在下一代临床科学家的安全位置。大约40年前,瑞典科学家为在本期《高血压杂志》 [1]上发表的手稿奠定了基础。



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