首页> 外文期刊>Journal of hypertension >Impairment of the autoregulation of renal hemodynamics and of the pressure-natriuresis relationship precedes the development of hypertension in Cyp1a1-Ren-2 transgenic rats.

Impairment of the autoregulation of renal hemodynamics and of the pressure-natriuresis relationship precedes the development of hypertension in Cyp1a1-Ren-2 transgenic rats.


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OBJECTIVE: The present study was performed to characterize the autoregulatory efficiency of renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate and the pressure-natriuresis relationship in transgenic rats with inducible angiotensin II (ANG II)-dependent hypertension (Cyp1a1-Ren-2 rats). METHODS: The renin gene was induced in Cyp1a1-Ren-2 rats through dietary administration of the natural xenobiotic indole-3-carbinol (I3C, 0.3%) for 12 and 24 h, respectively. Noninduced rats served as controls. Anesthetized rats were prepared for renal function studies and an aortic clamp was placed above the junction of the left renal artery to regulate the level of renal arterial pressure. Plasma renin activity, ANG II and aldosterone levels were measured at the end of the experiment by radioimmunoassay. RESULTS: Administration of I3C resulted in progressive increases in plasma renin activity and plasma and kidney ANG II levels; however, it did not significantly alter aldosterone levels as compared with those in noninduced rats. I3C induction for 12 h did not cause significant changes in blood pressure as compared with those in noninduced rats. I3C induction for 24 h elicited a significant rise in blood pressure. Twelve-hour I3C induction caused an impairment of the autoregulatory efficiency of renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate and of the pressure-natriuresis relationship as compared with that in noninduced rats. In addition, 24 h I3C induction of the renin gene resulted in a marked reduction in renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate and a further impairment of the pressure-natriuresis mechanism as compared with that in noninduced rats. CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate that an impairment of the pressure-natriuresis mechanism precedes the development of ANG II-dependent hypertension in Cyp1a1-Ren-2 transgenic rats.
机译:目的:本研究旨在表征转基因大鼠血管紧张素Ⅱ(ANGⅡ)依赖性高血压(Cyp1a1-Ren-2)的肾脏血流和肾小球滤过率的自动调节效率以及压力-利钠尿的关系。方法:通过饮食中的天然异源生物吲哚-3-甲醇(I3C,0.3%)分别在12小时和24小时内诱导Cyp1a1-Ren-2大鼠中的肾素基因。未诱导的大鼠用作对照。准备麻醉的大鼠用于肾功能研究,并将主动脉钳置于左肾动脉交界处上方以调节肾动脉压水平。在实验结束时通过放射免疫测定法测量血浆肾素活性,ANG II和醛固酮水平。结果:I3C的使用导致血浆肾素活性以及血浆和肾脏ANG II水平的逐步升高。然而,与未诱导大鼠相比,它并没有显着改变醛固酮水平。与未诱导大鼠相比,I3C诱导12 h不会引起血压的显着变化。 I3C诱导24小时引起血压显着升高。与未诱导的大鼠相比,十二小时的I3C诱导导致肾血流量和肾小球滤过率的自动调节效率以及压力-钠尿关系的损害。此外,与未诱导的大鼠相比,肾素基因的24 h I3C诱导导致肾血流量和肾小球滤过率显着降低,并且压力-钠尿机制进一步受损。结论:我们的发现表明,在Cyp1a1-Ren-2转基因大鼠中,压力钠尿机制的损害先于ANG II依赖性高血压的发生。



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