首页> 外文期刊>Journal of hypertension >Management of cardiovascular risk factors in advanced type 2 diabetic nephropathy: a comparative analysis in nephrology, diabetology and primary care settings.

Management of cardiovascular risk factors in advanced type 2 diabetic nephropathy: a comparative analysis in nephrology, diabetology and primary care settings.


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OBJECTIVES: Advanced diabetic nephropathy (DN) is characterized by a marked development of cardiovascular and renal disease. These patients are frequently managed by different health professionals with the consequence that the quality of care may differ substantially. To compare the management of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with type 2 DN and an estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 15-60 ml/min per 1.73 m2 followed in nephrology, diabetology and primary care. METHODS: This multicentre cross-sectional study verified the control of blood pressure (BP), total cholesterol, triglycerides, glycosylated haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and haemoglobin in patients exclusively followed in either nephrology (n = 266), diabetology (n = 246) or primary care (n = 195) of the same metropolitan area for at least 1 year. RESULTS: Primary care patients were older and had a greater prevalence of previous cardiovascular events. The GFR was lower in nephrology than in diabetology and primary care (33 +/- 13 versus 47 +/- 9 and 40 +/- 12 ml/min per 1.73 m2, P < 0.0001). The prevalence of BP target (< 130/80 mmHg) was similarly low in nephrology, diabetology and primary care (14, 13 and 10%, P = 0.421) probably because of insufficient prescription of diuretics and low-salt diet. Whereas the prevalence of the triglycerides target was similar, that of total cholesterol (< 200 mg/dl) was larger in diabetology (63%) than in nephrology and primary care (59 and 46%, P = 0.003) because of greater statin prescription in hypercholesterolemic individuals (70, 50 and 41%, respectively, P = 0.002). The attainment of HbA1c less than 7% was less frequent in diabetology (32%) than in nephrology and primary care (61 and 46%, P = 0.0003) despite a more frequent prescription of insulin/oral agents in diabetology. The control of anaemia was better in diabetology. Multivariate analysis adjusted for the patient case-mix and physician-level clustering confirmed these differences except for anaemia. CONCLUSION: Patients with advanced DN, despite the worst renal and cardiovascular prognosis, are at high risk of being under-treated independently of the type of clinical setting.
机译:目的:晚期糖尿病肾病(DN)的特征在于心血管和肾脏疾病的明显发展。这些患者经常由不同的卫生专业人员进行治疗,其结果是护理质量可能存在很大差异。为了比较2型DN患者的心血管危险因素的管理以及肾病,糖尿病和初级保健之后估计的肾小球滤过率(GFR)为15-60 ml / min / 1.73 m2。方法:这项多中心的横断面研究验证了肾脏病(n = 266),糖尿病(n = 246)患者的血压,总胆固醇,甘油三酸酯,糖基化血红蛋白A1c(HbA1c)和血红蛋白的控制或同一大都市地区的初级保健(n = 195)至少一年。结果:初级保健患者年龄较大,以前发生心血管事件的患病率更高。肾病学中的GFR低于糖尿病学和初级保健中的(1.73平方米/ 33 +/- 13对47 +/- 9和40 +/- 12 ml / min,P <0.0001)。在肾病,糖尿病和初级保健中,血压目标的患病率(<130/80 mmHg)同样较低(14%,13%和10%,P = 0.421),这可能是由于利尿药和低盐饮食的处方不足。尽管甘油三酯靶标的患病率相似,但由于他汀类药物处方较多,所以在糖尿病学中总胆固醇(<200 mg / dl)的患病率(<200 mg / dl)比在肾脏病学和初级保健中的总胆固醇(<59 mg和46%,P = 0.003)要大。在高胆固醇血症患者中(分别为70%,50%和41%,P = 0.002)。尽管糖尿病患者中胰岛素/口服药物的处方频率更高,但糖尿病患者中HbA1c低于7%(32%)的频率低于肾脏病和初级保健(61%和46%,P = 0.0003)。糖尿病方面的贫血控制效果更好。针对患者病例组合和医师水平的聚类进行了多变量分析调整,证实了除贫血以外的这些差异。结论:尽管肾病和心血管病的预后最差,但晚期DN患者仍处于高危接受治疗的风险,而与临床环境类型无关。



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