首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geophysical Research, D. Atmospheres: JGR >Contributions of regional transport and local sources to ozoneexceedances in Houston and Dallas: Comparison of results from aphotochemical grid model to aircraft and surface measurements

Contributions of regional transport and local sources to ozoneexceedances in Houston and Dallas: Comparison of results from aphotochemical grid model to aircraft and surface measurements


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During the 2000 Texas Air Quality Study (TexAQS) and 2006 Texas Air QualityStudy (TexAQS II) field experiments, aircraft measured ozone concentrations upwind,across, and downwind of the Houston and Dallas urban areas. Background ozonetransported into Houston contributed, on average, approximately 50% and 66% of the totalozone on 8-h ozone exceedance days investigated by aircraft flights during TexAQS andTexAQS II, respectively. Analysis of a flight over Dallas on one exceedance day showedthat transported ozone constituted 72% of the total ozone concentration. The aircraftmeasurements show that these two major metropolitan areas can be brought close toexceeding the 1997 8-h National Ambient Air Quality Standard for ozone of 0.08 ppmsolely by the ozone contribution of regional transport before additional contribution fromlocal sources. Large local contributions were also observed, particularly in Houston.Transport contributions to Dallas area ozone were quantified using the Comprehensive AirQuality Model with Extensions (CAMx) photochemical grid model and sourceapportionment methods. Model-predicted ozone concentrations were compared to ozonemeasurements from the aircraft and the surface monitoring network, and showedagreement on the importance of regional transport and local ozone formation. Theseresults emphasize the benefits of regional control strategies, and suggest that local controlsalone may not be sufficient to ensure attainment of the 8-h ozone standard in Houston andDallas.
机译:在2000年德克萨斯州空气质量研究(TexAQS)和2006年德克萨斯州空气质量研究(TexAQS II)现场试验期间,飞机测量了休斯顿和达拉斯市区上风,过风和下风的臭氧浓度。在TexAQS和TexAQS II期间,飞机飞行调查发现,在8小时以​​上的臭氧超标天,运输到休斯敦的背景臭氧平均分别贡献了总臭氧层的约50%和66%。对超过一天的达拉斯航班进行的分析表明,运送的臭氧占臭氧总浓度的72%。飞机的测量结果表明,仅通过区域运输中的臭氧贡献,才可以使这两个主要大都市地区的排放量接近1997年的8h国家臭氧空气质量标准(0.08 ppm),然后再从本地来源中贡献出来。还观察到了巨大的当地贡献,特别是在休斯顿。使用扩展的综合空气质量模型(CAMx)光化学网格模型和源分配方法对达拉斯地区臭氧的运输贡献进行了量化。将模型预测的臭氧浓度与飞机和地面监测网络中的臭氧测量值进行比较,并就区域运输和当地臭氧形成的重要性达成了共识。这些结果强调了区域控制策略的好处,并表明仅靠地方控制可能不足以确保在休斯敦和达拉斯实现8小时臭氧标准。



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