首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geophysical Research, D. Atmospheres: JGR >The dominant intraseasonal mode of intraseasonal South Asian summer monsoon

The dominant intraseasonal mode of intraseasonal South Asian summer monsoon


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From June through September, the intraseasonal variability of the Asian summer monsoon is dominated by the so-called "monsoon intraseasonal oscillation (MISO)." This paper provides a comprehensive description of the MISO based on outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) data. The MISO is characterized by alternating active periods, in which the primary rain area of the Asian summermonsoon that stretches from the northern Arabian Sea east southeastward almost all the way to the northwest Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone is relatively intense, and break periods, in which the heaviest rainfall shifts from south Asia to the central and eastern equatorial Indian Ocean. The MISO is attended by well-defined but weak sea surface temperature (SST) perturbations whose phase is indicative of a negative feedback upon the atmospheric perturbations. Meridional profile of variables on the various regression maps shown in this paper averaged along a set of tilted axes parallel to the west-northwest to east-southeast (WNW-ESE) sloping lines in empirical orthogonal function 1 of OLR have been made, and it is found that the strongest westerly 850 hPa wind anomalies are located two grid points (5° of latitude) to the south of the reference latitude. At the 150 hPa level, the meridional profile of divergence is closely aligned with the OLR profile. SST profile is lowest at approximately 2.5° of latitude to the south of the minimumOLR and 2.5° to the north of the strongestwesterly 850 hPawind anomalies. The sea level pressure profiles and themidlower tropospheric geopotential height profiles are almost in phase. It is observed that in most years, there are two-three bands of intensified and suppressed rainfall that cross the reference line from south to north (northward propagating) at the interval of 30-60 days over South Asia. The degree of correspondence between the MISO and active and break spells of the Indian summer monsoon rainfall is also documented.
机译:从6月到9月,亚洲夏季风的季节内变化主要由所谓的“季风季节内振荡(MISO)”决定。本文提供了基于输出长波辐射(OLR)数据的MISO的全面描述。 MISO的特征是交替活跃期,其中从北阿拉伯海向东南向几乎一直延伸到西北太平洋热带辐合带的亚洲夏季风的主要降雨区相对较热,而在休息期则是最大的降雨从南亚转移到赤道中部和东部印度洋。 MISO伴随着定义明确但微弱的海面温度(SST)扰动,其相位指示了大气扰动的负反馈。本文显示的各种回归地图上的变量的子午线轮廓均沿一组平行于OLR经验正交函数1的西-西北-东-东南(WNW-ESE)倾斜线的倾斜轴求平均,并且发现最强的西风850 hPa风距平位于参考纬度以南两个网格点(纬度5°)。在150 hPa的水平,子午线的散度轮廓与OLR轮廓紧密对齐。在最小OLR以南约2.5度纬度和最强西风850 h Pawind异常以北约2.5°处,SST剖面最低。海平面压力剖面和对流层中下部的地势高度剖面几乎是同相的。据观察,在大多数年份中,在南亚以30-60天为间隔,有两到三条增强和抑制降雨带从南到北(向北传播)穿过参考线。还记录了MISO与印度夏季季风降雨的活动和中断符之间的对应程度。



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