首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geophysical Research, D. Atmospheres: JGR >Evolution of the stratospheric aerosol enhancement following the eruptions of Okmok and Kasatochi: Odin-OSIRIS measurements

Evolution of the stratospheric aerosol enhancement following the eruptions of Okmok and Kasatochi: Odin-OSIRIS measurements


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Limb-scattered sunlight measurements made by the OSIRIS instrument on the Odin spacecraft during the months following the eruptions of Mount Okmok and Kasatochi volcanos in 2008 are used to retrieve vertical profiles of the stratospheric aerosol extinction. These measurements reveal the evolution of the formation, transport, and decay of the stratospheric aerosol cloud that forms as a result of the volcanic eruptions. The maximum vertical optical depth of the stratospheric aerosol, measured by OSIRIS at 750 nm, occurs at midlatitude to high latitude 4 to 6 weeks after the Kasatochi eruption and is approximately a factor of 2 above the background level. Significant meridional transport in the lower stratosphere is evident in the observations, with measurable enhancement extending up to 21 km altitude and reaching tropical latitudes. Seven months following the eruption of Kasatochi, the stratospheric aerosol optical depth is very near the background level measured before the eruptions.
机译:在2008年Okmok火山和Kasatochi火山爆发后的几个月中,由OSIRIS仪器在Odin航天器上进行的四肢散射的阳光测量被用于获取平流层气溶胶消灭的垂直剖面。这些测量结果揭示了由于火山喷发而形成的平流层气溶胶云的形成,传输和衰减的演变。由OSIRIS在750 nm处测得的平流层气溶胶的最大垂直光学深度出现在Kasatochi喷发后4至6周的中纬度至高纬度,约为背景水平的2倍。观测结果表明,平流层下部有明显的子午线传输,可测量的增强作用一直延伸到海拔21 km并达到热带纬度。 Kasatochi喷发七个月后,平流层气溶胶光学深度非常接近喷发前测得的背景水平。



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