首页> 外文期刊>Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology >Hepatobiliary and pancreatic: anomalous pancreatobiliary ductal junction.

Hepatobiliary and pancreatic: anomalous pancreatobiliary ductal junction.


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A young man, aged 16 years, was referred for evaluation because of recurrent episodes of pancreatitis. At the age of 14 months, his liver function tests were found to be abnormal and he was treated by operative sphincteroplasty for stenosis of the lower bile duct. Since that time, he has had approximately two episodes of mild pancreatitis each year. Over the past 2 years, however, episodes of pancreatitis have increased in frequency and severity, and have often been accompanied by changes in liver function tests. At duodenal endoscopy, he had a satisfactory bile duct orifice and cholangiography revealed a bile duct at the upper limit of normal, air in the biliary system and an anomalous pancreatobiliary junction. The main pancreatic duct and side-branches were near-normal. There was minor thickening of the gallbladder wall (3.8 mm) on an ultrasound study and exaggerated enhancement and thickening of the gallbladder wall on a computed tomography scan. No gallbladder stones were seen. Because of relapsing pancreatitis, laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed. Histological evaluation of the gallbladder revealed mild chronic cholecystitis and cholesterolosis.



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