首页> 外文期刊>Diffusion and Defect Data. Solid State Data, Part B. Solid State Phenomena >Damping of Mechanical Vibrations Using Piezoelements,Including Influence of Connection Layer's Propertieson the Dynamic Characteristic

Damping of Mechanical Vibrations Using Piezoelements,Including Influence of Connection Layer's Propertieson the Dynamic Characteristic


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The paper presents analysis of flexural vibrating machatronic system. Considered systemis compounded of a cantilever bending beam and a strip-like piezoelectric transducer. Thetransducer is bonded with the beam surface by means of connection layer which has homogeneousproperties in whole length. External RC circuit is adjoined to the transducer's clamps. Thismechatronic system is loaded with harmoniousness variable force. Beam's vibrations affectpiezoelectric transducer through the agency of connection layer which generates electric charge andproduces additional stiffness. Dynamic equations of considered mechatronic system weredetermined on the basis of elementary beam and transducer's section dynamic equilibrium.Transducer's dynamic equation was assigned using transducer's piezoelectric properties. Dynamicflexibility of considered mechatronic system was assigned on the basis of approximate Galerkin'smethod. Solution of beam's differential motion's equation was defined as a product of time anddisplacement's eigenfunctions which satisfy defined boundary conditions. Dynamic characteristic ofconsidered mechatronic system, including pure shear of the connection layer was assigned on theend of the beam and illustrated on the chart at the same time taking into account beam andtransducer's geometrical and material parameters.



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