首页> 外文期刊>Diffusion and Defect Data. Solid State Data, Part B. Solid State Phenomena >Ab initio study of electronic and magneto-optical properties of InSb: Mn and InAs: Mn

Ab initio study of electronic and magneto-optical properties of InSb: Mn and InAs: Mn


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Energy difference between the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic collinear orderings has been calculated for the uniform and dimer Mn-pair geometries in order to find the ground state distribution of the Mn atoms in InSb(As) hosts. We find the preference of the dimer ferromagnetic configuration of Mn dopants and an importance of optimizing the atomic site positions. The frequency-dependent optical and magneto-optical properties, namely the reflectivity, the electron energy loss spectra, on- and off-diagonal conductivity tensor and the polar Kerr effect, are calculated for comparison with available experimental data. Our calculated MO resonance in In _(1-x)Mn _xSb (x=1.56%) are found to be in good agreement with corresponding experimental MO spectra. The origin of the large Kerr rotation is discussed.
机译:为了找到InSb(As)主体中Mn原子的基态分布,已经针对均匀和二聚体Mn对几何计算了铁磁和反铁磁共线顺序之间的能量差。我们发现锰掺杂剂的二聚体铁磁构型的偏爱以及优化原子位点位置的重要性。计算与频率有关的光学和磁光学性质,即反射率,电子能量损失谱,对角和非对角电导率张量以及极性克尔效应,以与可用的实验数据进行比较。我们在In _(1-x)Mn _xSb(x = 1.56%)中计算出的MO共振与相应的实验MO光谱非常吻合。讨论了大Kerr​​旋转的起源。



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