首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Food Composition and Analysis >Effect of stage of lactation on nutrient composition of Tswana sheep and goat's milk

Effect of stage of lactation on nutrient composition of Tswana sheep and goat's milk


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Seven Tswana goats and seven Tswana sheep suckling single (male or female) kids or lambs were milked to obtain information on the milk composition of Tswana goats and ewes under semi-intensive management. The milk samples collected were from does and ewes 40-166 days post-partum. The aim of this study was to document the chemical composition of Tswana goat and sheep's milk and the effect of stage of lactation on the nutrients. Milk samples were analysed for fat, crude protein (CP) ash, total solids(Ts), acidity, albumin, casein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, copper, iron, zinc and manganese. The mean values of fat in g/100 g were: goats 4.40 and sheep 3.67, 40 days post-partum and goats 5.42 and sheep 4.71, 166 days post-partum, which was the end of the lactation period. Total solids had a mean of 12.10 for goats and 15.02 for sheep at 40 days and goats 18.19 and sheep 21.34, at 166 days, which was end of lactation period. The mean concentration of minerals fluctuated in both species' milk throughout the lactation period. The results indicated that Tswana ewe's milk contained more nutrients except for fat irrespective of lactation stage than Tswana doe's milk. Regarding minerals, goat's milk showed higher contents of Fe andMn, whereas that of sheep contained more Ca, Mg, and P. The contents of Na, K and Zn were almost the same in both species. Cu was generally higher in goat's milk. There was significant species difference (P < 0.05) in Ts, CP, ash and fat.
机译:对七只茨瓦纳山羊和七只茨瓦纳绵羊哺乳的单身(雄性或雌性)孩子或羔羊进行挤奶,以获取有关半密集管理下的茨瓦纳山羊和母羊的牛奶成分的信息。收集的牛奶样品来自产后40-166天的母羊和母羊。这项研究的目的是记录茨瓦纳山羊和绵羊奶的化学成分以及泌乳阶段对营养的影响。分析了牛奶样品中的脂肪,粗蛋白(CP)灰分,总固体(Ts),酸度,白蛋白,酪蛋白,钙,镁,磷,钾,钠,铜,铁,锌和锰。脂肪的平均值(g / 100 g)为:产后40天的山羊4.40和绵羊3.67,产后166天的山羊5.42和绵羊4.71,这是泌乳期的结束。在哺乳期结束的第40天,山羊的总固含量平均为12.10,绵羊为15.02,绵羊为166天的山羊为18.19,绵羊21.34。在整个泌乳期,两种奶中矿物质的平均浓度都在波动。结果表明,茨瓦纳母羊的乳汁与脂肪相比,无论泌乳阶段如何,除了脂肪外都含有更多的营养成分。在矿物质方面,山羊奶中的铁和锰含量较高,而绵羊奶中的钙,镁和磷含量较高。两种物种中的钠,钾和锌含量几乎相同。山羊奶中的铜含量通常较高。 Ts,CP,灰分和脂肪之间存在显着的物种差异(P <0.05)。



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