首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geophysical Research, A. Space Physics: JGR >Effects of a strong ICME on the Martian ionosphere as detected by Mars Express and Mars Odyssey

Effects of a strong ICME on the Martian ionosphere as detected by Mars Express and Mars Odyssey

机译:Mars Express和Mars Odyssey检测到强ICME对火星电离层的影响

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We present evidence of a substantial ionospheric response to a strong interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) detected by the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS) on board the Mars Express (MEX) spacecraft. A powerful ICME impacted the Martian ionosphere beginning on 5 June 2011, peaking on 6 June, and trailing off over about a week. This event caused a strong response in the charged particle detector of the High-Energy Neutron Detector (HEND) on board the Odyssey spacecraft. The ion mass spectrometer of the Analyzer of Space Plasmas and Energetic Atoms instrument on MEX detected an increase in background counts, simultaneous with the increase seen by HEND, due to the flux of solar energetic particles (SEPs) associated with the ICME. Local densities and magnetic field strengths measured by MARSIS and enhancements of 100 eV electrons denote the passing of an intense space weather event. Local density and magnetosheath electron measurements and remote soundings show compression of ionospheric plasma to lower altitudes due to increased solar wind dynamic pressure. MARSIS topside sounding of the ionosphere indicates that it is extended well beyond the terminator, to about 116? solar zenith angle, in a highly disturbed state. This extension may be due to increased ionization due to SEPs and magnetosheath electrons or to plasma transport across the terminator. The surface reflection from both ionospheric sounding and subsurface modes of the MARSIS radar was attenuated, indicating increased electron content in the Mars ionosphere at low altitudes, where the atmosphere is dense.
机译:我们提供的证据表明,火星快车(MEX)上的火星高级雷达对地下和电离层测深(MARSIS)探测到了强烈的电离层日冕物质抛射(ICME),对电离层做出了重大反应。强大的ICME于2011年6月5日开始影响火星电离层,6月6日达到顶峰,并持续了大约一周的时间。此事件在奥德赛飞船上的高能中子探测器(HEND)的带电粒子探测器中引起了强烈反应。 MEX上的空间等离子体和高能原子分析仪的离子质谱仪检测到背景计数的增加,同时由于HEND的增加,是由于与ICME相关的太阳高能粒子(SEP)的通量。通过MARSIS测量的局部密度和磁场强度以及100 eV电子的增强表示强烈的太空天气事件的过去。局部密度和磁石场电子测量以及遥测表明,由于太阳风动压力的增加,电离层等离子体被压缩至较低的高度。 MARSIS电离层的顶部探测表明它已经远远超出了终止子,达到了约116?。太阳天顶角处于高度扰动状态。这种扩展可能是由于SEP和磁石电子引起的电离增加,或者是由于穿过终止子的等离子体传输。 MARSIS雷达的电离层探测和地下模式的表面反射均被衰减,这表明在低密度大气层的低空火星电离层中电子含量增加。



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