首页> 外文期刊>Journal of food, agriculture & environment >Increased infestation of Asian citrus psyllids on cold treated sour orange seedlings: its possible relation to biochemical changes in leaves.

Increased infestation of Asian citrus psyllids on cold treated sour orange seedlings: its possible relation to biochemical changes in leaves.


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Cold stressed sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) seedling attracted significantly more Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) (Diaphorina citri Kuwayama) during 5 and 24 h recovery periods compared to control plants in choice test experiment. Cold stressed plants were held placed at 6+or-1 degrees C for 6 days and then transferred to a cage at room temperature (28+or-2 degrees C) for the ACP choice test. During these 5 and 24 h recovery periods, levels of free alpha amino nitrogen increased by 27% in 24 h post treated samples. Levels of ammonia, a known insect attractant, also increased throughout the recovery period, and after the 24 h ammonia emission was 170% higher in the cold stressed plants than in the controls. Higher levels of putrescine and spermidine were found during 24 h recovery period in cold treated plants than controls. On the other hand, spermine levels in the cold treated leaves decreased by 25% in the first 5 h but then increased to the same levels as the controls in 24 h post cold treatment samples. A number of polyphenols known to be insect deterrents decreased in cold stressed plants. For example, chlorogenic acid, rutin, homoorientin, caffeic acid, naranginin and eriodictoyl decreased significantly in the cold treated plants during 5 and 24 h recovery period. In general, cold stress that increased ACP infestation of sour orange leaves also increased the levels of biochemical insect attractants and decreased the levels of insect deterrents.
机译:与对照植物相比,在5和24小时的恢复期内,冷胁迫的酸橙( Citrus aurantium L.)幼苗吸引了更多的亚洲柑橘木虱(ACP)( Diaphorina citri Kuwayama)选择测试实验。将冷胁迫的植物在6+或-1摄氏度下放置6天,然后转移到室温(28+或-2摄氏度)的笼子中进行ACP选择测试。在这5和24小时的恢复期间,处理后的样品在24小时内游离α氨基氮的含量增加了27%。在整个恢复期间,氨(一种已知的昆虫引诱剂)的水平也有所增加,并且在24小时后,冷胁迫植物的氨排放量比对照高170%。在冷处理过的植物中,在24 h恢复期发现腐胺和亚精胺的含量高于对照。另一方面,冷处理后的叶子中的精胺水平在开始的5小时内下降了25%,但随后在冷处理后的24小时内增加到与对照组相同的水平。在寒冷胁迫的植物中,许多已知的具有杀虫剂作用的多酚减少了。例如,在冷处理过的植物中,在5和24小时的恢复期内,绿原酸,芦丁,高Orientientin,咖啡酸,环己素和十二碳酰基显着降低。一般而言,增加酸橙叶ACP侵染的冷胁迫也增加了生化昆虫引诱剂的水平,并降低了杀虫剂的水平。



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