首页> 外文期刊>Journal of general plant pathology >Phylogeny and phytopathogenicity mechanisms of soilborne Fusarium oxysporum

Phylogeny and phytopathogenicity mechanisms of soilborne Fusarium oxysporum


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Fusarium oxysporum is a ubiquitous ascomycete found globally in most habitats, including soil. Although the soilborne fungus usually is saprophytic (nonpathogenic), some strains are associated with plant diseases that cause economically significant agricultural damage worldwide. Among the phytopathogenic strains, more than 120 formae speciales (f. spp.) have been reported, each defined by the plant taxa included in its host range. For example, f. sp. lycopersici (FOL) causes a wilt disease only on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), whereas other pathogenic f. spp. (except f. sp. radicis-lycopersici) do not cause tomato diseases. Within a forma specialis, races are frequently distinguished by their specificity to different plant cultivars. The three races (designated 1, 2 and 3) of FOL that have been reported to date can be distinguished via the reactions they cause on a set of tester cultivars of tomato.
机译:尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum)是一种普遍存在的子囊菌,在全球包括土壤在内的大多数生境中均发现。尽管土壤传播的真菌通常是腐生的(非致病性的),但某些菌株与植物病害有关,在全球范围内对经济造成重大的农业破坏。在植物致病菌株中,已报告了120多个科(专科),每科均由其寄主范围内的植物类群定义。例如,f。 sp。 lycopersici(FOL)仅在番茄(Solanum lycopersicum L.)上引起枯萎病,而其他致病性f。 spp。 (除了f。sp。radicis-lycopersici外)不会引起番茄病。在特殊形式内,种族通常因其对不同植物品种的特异性而被区分。迄今为止,已报道的FOL的三个小种(标记为1、2和3)可以通过它们在一组番茄试验品种上引起的反应来区分。



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