
Acid-base activity of microorganisms


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In order to distinguish the buffering capacity associated with functional groups in the cell wall from that resulting from metabolic processes,the base or acid consumption of live and dead cells of the Gram-negative bacterium Shewanella putrefaciens was measured as a function of time in a pH stat system.Under neutral (pH 7) to basic (pH 8 and 10) conditions,base neutralization by suspensions of live bacteria beyond 1 h was clearly due to respiratory activity.At pH 4,however,proton neutralization ceased after 50 min due to cell death.Dead cells only produced or consumed protons during the very first minutes after exposure to pH 4,8 or 10.From the time-dependent acid and base consumption curves of live cells,and the comparison of the acid-base activity of live and dead cells,the charging of ionizable groups in the cell wall was derived.From pH 4 to 10,cell wall charge increases from 0 to about -4x10~(-16) mo;cell~(-1).
机译:为了区分与细胞壁功能基团相关的缓冲能力与代谢过程所产生的缓冲能力,在pH值下,测定了革兰氏阴性细菌希瓦氏菌Shewanella putrefaciens的活细胞和死细胞的碱或酸消耗量。 stat系统。在中性(pH 7)到碱性(pH 8和10)条件下,超过1 h的活细菌悬浮液中和碱显然是由于呼吸活动引起的。在pH为4时,质子中和在50分钟后停止死细胞仅在暴露于pH 4,8或10后的最初几分钟内才产生或消耗质子。根据活细胞随时间变化的酸和碱消耗曲线,以及活细胞的酸碱活性比较从pH 4到10,细胞壁电荷从0增加到约-4x10〜(-16)mo; cell〜(-1)。



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