首页> 外文期刊>Journal of forensic and legal medicine >Case reports of aconite poisoning in mainland China from 2004 to 2015: A retrospective analysis

Case reports of aconite poisoning in mainland China from 2004 to 2015: A retrospective analysis


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Aconitum species have long been used in key traditional medicines in China, but cases of fatal aconite poisoning have also been reported. This paper presents a review of 40 single and multi-person cases of fatal aconite poisoning. The cases involved 53 victims in mainland China described in 27 case reports published between January 2004 and September 2015. We summarize the details of the case reports in order to highlight the features of fatal aconite-poisoning cases in China, including victims' sex and age, route of intoxication, clinical symptoms, medicolegal autopsy findings, and results of toxicological analysis. Our results indicate a need for legal medical experts encountering cases of fatal aconite poisoning to pay increased attention to the methods used for collecting biological samples. In addition, prevention strategies should focus on increasing public awareness regarding the potential toxicity of Aconitum, harm caused by medicinal liquors containing aconitine, and possibility of Aconitum alkaloids accumulating in the body. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine. All rights reserved.
机译:乌头类物质长期以来一直在中国的主要传统药物中使用,但也有致命的乌头中毒的报道。本文介绍了40例致命的乌头中毒的单人和多人病例。 2004年1月至2015年9月发布的27份案例报告中描述了涉及中国大陆的53名受害者的案例。我们对案例报告进行了总结,以突出中国致命的乌头中毒案件的特征,包括受害者的性别和年龄,中毒途径,临床症状,法医尸检结果以及毒理学分析结果。我们的结果表明,遇到致命的乌头中毒案件的法律医学专家需要更加注意收集生物样品的方法。此外,预防策略应集中于提高公众对乌头的潜在毒性,含乌头碱的药液造成的危害以及乌头生物碱在体内积累的可能性的认识。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd和法医学与法医学系。版权所有。



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