首页> 外文期刊>Journal of child & adolescent substance abuse >Use of the Internet to Obtain Drugs Without a Prescription Among Treatment-Involved Adolescents and Young Adults

Use of the Internet to Obtain Drugs Without a Prescription Among Treatment-Involved Adolescents and Young Adults


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Nonmedical use of prescription drugs is common and poses risks such as injury, overdose, and development of abuse and dependence. Internet pharmacies offer prescription drugs without a prescription, creating a source of illicit drugs accessible to anyone with an Internet connection. We examined this issue in a convenience sample of 1,860 adolescents and young adults from 24 residential and outpatient treatment programs. Few individuals obtained drugs from the Internet (N = 26, 2.3%). Pain relievers were the most frequently purchased type of drug. The majority of adolescents and young adult online purchasers made the purchases from their own or a friend's house.
机译:处方药的非医疗用途很普遍,并带来诸如受伤,用药过量以及滥用和依赖发展的风险。互联网药店不提供处方药就提供处方药,这为任何具有互联网连接的人提供了非法药物来源。我们在便利样本中检查了这个问题,该样本来自24个住院和门诊治疗计划的1,860名青少年。很少有人从互联网上获得毒品(N = 26,2.3%)。止痛药是最常购买的药物。大多数青少年和成人在线购买者都是在自己或朋友家中进行购买的。



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