首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Fluorescence >In Situ Monitoring the Photolysis of Fluoranthene Adsorbed on Mangrove Leaves Using Fiber-Optic Fluorimetry

In Situ Monitoring the Photolysis of Fluoranthene Adsorbed on Mangrove Leaves Using Fiber-Optic Fluorimetry


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A newly established fiber-optic fluorimetry was used to determine the fluoranthene (Fla) adsorbed on the leaf surfaces of three mangrove species, such as Excoecarla agallocha (Ea), Kandelia candel (Kc) and Aegiceras corniculatum (Ac). With the method, the photolysis of Fla adsorbed on Ea, Kc and Ac leaf surfaces was studied. Under the laboratory conditions, using a high pressure mercury lamp as light source, photolysis was found to be the main transformation pathway for the Fla adsorbed on the three mangrove leaves, whereas disappearance of the adsorbed Fla as a result of volatilization and absorption could be negligible. The photolysis of Fla adsorbed on the three mangrove leaf surfaces followed first-order kinetics with photolysis rates of Fla in the order of Ac > Ea > Kc. The photolysis half lives of Fla adsorbed on the leaves were from 14.32 min to 69.31 min. The different initial concentrations of Fla adsorbed on the selected mangrove leaves did not affect the photolysis rates of Fla. The absorption characteristics of leaf-wax played an important role to influence the different photolysis rates of Fla adsorbed on these three mangrove species.
机译:使用新建立的光纤荧光法测定吸附在三种红树林物种(如Excoecarla agallocha(Ea),Kandelia candel(Kc)和Aegicerascorniculatum(Ac))的红树林叶片表面上的荧蒽(Fla)。用该方法研究了Fla在Ea,Kc和Ac叶片表面的光解作用。在实验室条件下,使用高压汞灯作为光源,发现光解是三叶红树上吸附的Fla的主要转化途径,而挥发和吸收导致的Fla消失则可以忽略不计。 。在三个红树林叶片表面上吸附的Fla的光解遵循一级动力学,其Fla的光解速率为Ac> Ea> Kc。 Fla吸附在叶片上的光解半衰期为14.32分钟至69.31分钟。选定的红树林叶片上不同的Fla初始吸附浓度不会影响Fla的光解速率。叶蜡的吸收特性对于影响这三种红树林物种上不同的Fla的光解速率具有重要作用。



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