首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Fluid Mechanics >A singularity method for calculating time-dependent viscoelastic flows with integral constitutive equations

A singularity method for calculating time-dependent viscoelastic flows with integral constitutive equations


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A new method is introduced for calculating time-dependent, non-Newtonian flows of fluids described by integral constitutive equations. The starting point for the method is the integral form of the solution to the equations of motion, valid in the limit of low Reynolds number. Because of the non-Newtonian nature of the fluid, this solution includes an integral over the domain of the flow, which is not present in boundary integral methods. This integral over the fluid volume (in three dimensions) or area (in two dimensions) is converted to a Lagrangian reference frame, and discretized for numerical evaluation. Because points in the integrand move with the fluid velocity, values of the non-Newtonian portion of the stress can be found by integrating the deformation at those points in conjunction with a suitable integral constitutive equation. The contribution to the total velocity field of the non-Newtonian stress at each fluid element is that of a point dipole, and the method bears many similarities to the point-vortex method for calculating inviscid flows. Like the point-vortex method, it is necessary to introduce cutoff functions that remove the singular nature of the dipole-dipole interactions. In addition, to render the method computationally feasible, the interactions between the dipoles must be calculated by the fast-multipole method or some comparable approach. Methods for calculating cutoff functions and implementing the fast multipole method are discussed, and simulation results are presented for one- and two-phase time-dependent flows of viscoelastic fluids between eccentric and concentric rotating cylinders. [References: 47]
机译:引入了一种新的方法来计算由积分本构方程描述的与时间有关的非牛顿流体流动。该方法的出发点是运动方程解的积分形式,在低雷诺数的极限内有效。由于流体的非牛顿性质,该解决方案包括流域上的积分,这在边界积分方法中不存在。将流体体积(三个维度)或面积(两个维度)上的积分转换为拉格朗日参考系,并离散化以进行数值评估。由于被积体中的点随流体速度移动,因此可以通过结合适当积分本构方程对这些点处的变形进行积分,从而得出应力的非牛顿部分值。每个流体单元上非牛顿应力对总速度场的贡献是点偶极子的影响,该方法与用于计算无粘性流的点涡流方法有很多相似之处。像点旋涡法一样,有必要引入截止函数,以消除偶极-偶极相互作用的奇异性质。另外,为了使该方法在计算上可行,必须通过快速多极方法或某些类似方法来计算偶极之间的相互作用。讨论了计算截止函数和实现快速多极子方法的方法,并给出了偏心和同心旋转圆柱体之间一相和两相随时间变化的粘弹性流体的模拟结果。 [参考:47]



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