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Adnexal masses in postmenopausal and reproductive age women.


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We aimed to evaluate and compare the management and clinical characteristics of adnexal masses in postmenopausal and reproductive age women. This prospective study was performed at Dicle University, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, from January 2007 to June 2009.The data were collected from hospital records and patients files, descriptively. The cases were divided into two groups as cases with adnexal masses in postmenopausal age women (Group 1, n = 40), and reproductive age (Group 2, n = 40). All of the cases operated for benign adnexal masses. Statistical analyses were carried out by using the statistical packages for SPSS 15.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The demographic characteristics of the cases that were enrolled in our study are depicted in Table 1.The initial compliant of the cases were abdominal pain in 62 (77.5%) of the cases and 8 (20%) vaginal bleeding and 10 (12.5%) were asymptomatic. The initial diagnose of the cases were; pelvic mass in 34 (75%) of the cases, ovarian cyst 26 (32.5%), dermoid cyst 10 (12.5%), endometrioma 7 (8.75%) and postmenopausal bleeding 4 (5%). The tumor markers were evaluated. All of the cases were subjected to laparotomy or laparoscopy. The frozen section diagnose were made by the pathology department. The postoperative characteristics of the masses were also evaluated. The adnexal masses in postmenopausal woman with benign characteristics can be followed conservatively, without surgery. Surgery may be indicated to women with family history of cancer, a mass that appears enlarging and symptomatic.
机译:我们旨在评估和比较绝经后和生殖年龄妇女附件包块的管理和临床特征。这项前瞻性研究于2007年1月至2009年6月在Dicle大学医学院和妇产科进行,数据是描述性地从医院记录和患者档案中收集的。将这些病例分为两组,分别是绝经后年龄妇女(第1组,n = 40)和生殖年龄(第2组,n = 40)的附件包块。所有病例均对良性附件包块手术。使用Windows的SPSS 15.0统计软件包(SPSS Inc.,芝加哥,伊利诺伊州,美国)进行统计分析。表1列出了我们纳入研究的病例的人口统计学特征。最初的依从性是62例(77.5%)的腹部疼痛,8例(20%)的阴道出血和10例(12.5%)没有症状。病例的初步诊断是;盆腔占34例(75%),卵巢囊肿26例(32.5%),皮样囊肿10例(12.5%),子宫内膜瘤7例(8.75%)和绝经后出血4例(5%)。评估肿瘤标志物。所有病例均接受了剖腹手术或腹腔镜检查。冷冻切片的诊断由病理科进行。还评估了群众的术后特征。具有绝经特征的绝经后妇女的附件包块可以保守地追踪,无需手术。手术可能适用于有癌症家族史的妇女,这种肿块看起来越来越大且有症状。



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