首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Fish Biology >Proteolytic activity and electrophoretic profiles of proteases from seminal plasma of teleosts

Proteolytic activity and electrophoretic profiles of proteases from seminal plasma of teleosts


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Using gelatin-SDS-PAGE, proteolytic activity was found in the seminal plasma of 10 teleosts: common carp Cyprinus carpio, bream Abramis brama, ide Leuciscus idus, chub Leuciscus cephalus, rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, grayling Thymallus thymallus, perch Perca fluviatilis, pike Esox lucius, goldfish Carassius carassius and pikeperch Stizostendion lucioperca. This activity was also measured, using azoalbumin as a substrate, in the seminal plasma of these species, with exception of pikeperch and goldfish. When azoalbumin-hydrolysing activity was expressed per volume, it was highest in common carp. Otherwise, as expressed per g of protein, the activity was highest in pike. The lowest proteolytic activity (expressed per g and volume) was observed in perch seminal plasma. Using gelatin containing polyacrylamide gels for detecting gelatinolytic activity, species-specific electrophoretic profiles were found. For all cyprinids two similar bands with a molecular mass of 68 and 74 kDa were found. The seminal plasma of grayling and rainbow trout showed similarities in the 41 kDa band. Perch and pikeperch had one similar main band with a molecular mass of 61 kDa. Proteolytic enzymes of seminal plasma from pike showed high individual variability. These results suggest that multiple forms of proteolytic enzymes exist in seminal plasma of teleosts and they differ among fish families and species.
机译:使用明胶-SDS-PAGE,在10种硬骨鱼的精浆中发现了蛋白水解活性:鲤鱼鲤鱼,鲷,布拉德目ideide Leuciscus idus,chub Leuciscus cephalus,虹鳟Oncorhynchus mykiss,河鳟Thymallus thymallus,鲈鱼Perca Perca Esox lucius,金鱼Car鱼和梭子鱼Stizostendion lucioperca。除鱼和金鱼外,还使用偶氮白蛋白作为底物在这些物种的精浆中测量了该活性。当单位体积表达偶氮白蛋白水解活性时,其在鲤鱼中最高。否则,按照每克蛋白质的表达,派克活性最高。在鲈精浆中观察到最低的蛋白水解活性(每克和每体积表示)。使用含有明胶的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶检测明胶分解活性,发现了种特异性电泳图谱。对于所有鲤鱼,发现两个相似的条带,分子量分别为68和74 kDa。灰河鳟和虹鳟的精浆在41 kDa波段显示出相似之处。鲈鱼和鲈鱼有一个相似的主带,分子量为61 kDa。派克精浆的蛋白水解酶显示出较高的个体变异性。这些结果表明硬骨鱼类的精浆中存在多种形式的蛋白水解酶,它们在鱼类家族和物种之间存在差异。



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