首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine >Therapeutic review: deslorelin acetate subcutaneous implant.

Therapeutic review: deslorelin acetate subcutaneous implant.


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Deslorelin is a synthetic analog of endogenously occurring gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) that is believed to be 10 times more potent than the naturally occurring compound.1 The synthetic analog differs from natural GnRH in amino acid sequence by D-tryptophan at position 6 rather than glycine and terminating at position 9 with proethylamide rather than glycine-amide.2 and 3 Deslorelin acts similarly to GnRH by stimulating pituitary secretion of the gonadotropins luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, resulting in estrus and ovulation, as well as stimulating production of GnRH receptors on cell membranes.4 and 5 However, continuous secretion of GnRH or chronic administration of its analogs stimulates the GnRH receptors, causing down-regulation and reduction in gonadotropin release and decreased production and circulation of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.
机译:Deslorelin是内源性促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)的合成类似物,据信其效力是天然化合物的10倍。1合成类似物在氨基酸序列上与天然GnRH的区别在于D-色氨酸位于6位2和3 Deslorelin的作用与GnRH类似,通过刺激促性腺激素的垂体分泌促黄体生成激素和促卵泡激素,从而导致发情和排卵,并刺激促性腺激素的产生。细胞膜上的GnRH受体。4和5但是,连续分泌GnRH或长期服用其类似物会刺激GnRH受体,从而导致促性腺激素释放下调和减少,雌激素,孕酮和睾丸激素的产生和循环减少。



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