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Creativity and dementia: Does artistic activity affect well-being beyond the art class?


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The Alzheimer's Association's Memories in the Making? (MIM) art activity program is intended to enhance the well-being of individuals who are living with dementia. Previous evaluations of MIM have found that participants show benefits on several well-being domains measured by the Greater Cincinnati Chapter Weil-Being Observation TooP. The current study extended those findings by looking for evidence of carry-over effects beyond the temporal boundaries of MIM sessions. Additionally, this study evaluated key psychometric qualities of the assessment instrument. Seventy-six MIM participants with middle- to late-stage dementia were evaluated by interns and care facility staff at the beginning, middle and end of a 12-week MIM program. Interns focused on behavior within MIM sessions and staff rated functioning outside MIM sessions. Staff reported no significant changes in resident well-being across the 12-week program. Interns reported significant improvements from the beginning to middle and end of the program on five well-being domains. Psychometric analyses of the Greater Cincinnati Chapter Well-Being Observation TooP identified weaknesses in inter-rater reliability and found that the instrument measures two orthogonal factors - interpreted as 'Well-Being' and 'Ill-Being' - not the seven domains claimed. Quantitative evidence for the effectiveness of MIM is ambiguous, but anecdotal observations indicate that the program is beneficial for some participants, if only fleetingly.
机译:阿尔茨海默病协会的记忆正在酝酿中? (MIM)艺术活动计划旨在提高痴呆症患者的幸福感。对MIM的先前评估发现,参与者在大辛辛那提分会的“ Weil-Being观察TooP”所衡量的多个幸福领域中显示出益处。当前的研究通过寻找超出MIM会话时间界限的遗留效应的证据来扩展这些发现。此外,本研究评估了评估工具的关键心理计量学质量。在12周的MIM计划的开始,中期和结束时,实习生和护理机构工作人员对76名患有中晚期痴呆症的MIM参与者进行了评估。实习生侧重于MIM会议中的行为,以及在MIM会议之外对工作职能进行评估的员工。工作人员报告说,在为期12周的计划中,居民的生活水平没有明显变化。实习生报告说,从计划的开始到中期和结束时,他们在五个方面都取得了重大进步。大辛辛那提章节幸福感观察TooP的心理分析发现了评分者间可靠性的弱点,并发现该仪器测量两个正交因素-被解释为“幸福感”和“不适感”,而不是声称的七个领域。关于MIM有效性的定量证据尚不明确,但轶事观察表明,该计划对某些参与者(即使只是短暂的)是有益的。



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