首页> 外文期刊>Journal of environmental monitoring: JEM >Novel integrative passive samplers for the long-term monitoring of semivolatile organic air pollutants

Novel integrative passive samplers for the long-term monitoring of semivolatile organic air pollutants


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Two types of passive sampler were developed for the long-term monitoring of semivolatile organic compounds (SOCs) in air. They consist of poly(dimethylsioxane) (PDMS)-coated stir bars (type A) or silicone tubing (type B), acting as a solid receiving medium, enclosed in a heat-sealed low-density polyethylene (LDPE) membrane. These samplers combine the advantages of integrative passive sampling with those of analysing accumulated analytes by thermodesorption-BC-MS, whilst avoiding the use of solvents and expensive sample preparation and cleanup steps. The performance of these samplers was investigated for the integrative sampling of SOCs, including α- and γ-hexachlorocyclohexanes, hexachlorobenzene, 2,4,4'-trichlorobiphenyl, 2,2',5,5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl and fluoranthene, in laboratory exposure experiments under controlled conditions. For both types of sampler, the uptake of all the analytes investigated was linear over an exposure period of 15 days. The sampling rates calculated ranged from 70 to 320 ml h~(-1) (sampler A) and 630 to 4300 ml h~(-1) (sampler B). The passive samplers are able to detect low time-weighted average air concentrations in the pg m~(-3) range. The small, robust and inexpensive sampling devices were tested successfully for the long-term air monitoring of semivolatile organic pollutants in a polluted area over an exposure period of up to 28 days.
机译:开发了两种类型的被动采样器,用于长期监测空气中的半挥发性有机化合物(SOC)。它们由涂有聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)的搅拌棒(A型)或硅胶管(B型)组成,它们用作固体接收介质,并包裹在热密封的低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)膜中。这些采样器结合了集成被动采样的优势和通过热脱附-BC-MS分析累积分析物的优势,同时避免了使用溶剂以及昂贵的样品制备和净化步骤。在实验室暴露的情况下,对这些采样器的性能进行了综合评估,包括α-和γ-六氯环己烷,六氯苯,2,4,4'-三氯联苯,2,2',5,5'-四氯联苯和荧蒽。在受控条件下进行实验。对于这两种类型的采样器,所研究的所有分析物的吸收在15天的暴露时间内都是线性的。计算的采样率范围为70至320 ml h〜(-1)(采样器A)和630至4300 ml h〜(-1)(采样器B)。无源采样器能够检测到pg m〜(-3)范围内的低时间加权平均空气浓度。小型,坚固且廉价的采样设备已成功测试,可在长达28天的暴露时间内对污染区域中的半挥发性有机污染物进行长期空气监测。



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