首页> 外文期刊>Journal of diabetes and its complications >Design of the cooperative study on glycemic control and complications in diabetes mellitus type 2. Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial.

Design of the cooperative study on glycemic control and complications in diabetes mellitus type 2. Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial.


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Long-term glycemic control trials in type 2 diabetes show as the main clinical benefit a difference in retinal photocoagulation (3/1000 in the UK Prospective Diabetes Study [UKPDS]), but no effect on visual acuity or renal failure. No intensive glycemic control trial has yet affected cardiovascular (CV) events, the main cause of morbidity and mortality. By contrast, modest blood pressure reduction has protective effects on visual acuity, renal function, CV events, and mortality. Optimal glycemic control goals are not established in elderly, obese persons with advanced complications, the most common patients in the Veterans Affairs (VA) system. The earlier feasibility trial in such patients (VA-CSDM) suggested potentially worse CV outcomes with lower attained hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels.The primary objective of the Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial (VADT) is the assessment of the effect of intensive glycemic treatment on CV events. Other objectives are effects on microangiopathy, quality of life, and cost effectiveness.The VADT, started in December 2000, is enrolling 1700 men and women previously uncontrolled on insulin or maximum doses of oral agents at 20 VA medical centers. Accrual is 2 years and follow-up is 5-7 years, with visits every 1.5 months. The study has a power of 86% to detect a 21% relative reduction in major CV events (CV death, myocardial infarction [MI], cerebrovascular accident [CVA], congestive heart failure [CHF], revascularization and amputation for ischemia). Subjects are randomized to an intensive arm aiming at normal HbA1c levels or to a standard arm with usual, improved glycemic control. An HbA1c separation of >1.5% is to be maintained (expected 2%). Both arms receive step therapy: glimepiride or metformin plus rosiglitazone and addition of insulin or other oral agents to achieve goals. Strict control of blood pressure and dyslipidemia, daily aspirin, diet, and education are identical in both arms. Plasma fibrinogen, plasminogen-activating inhibitor I (PAI-I), lipids, renal function parameters, and ECG are measured throughout. Stereo retinal photographs are obtained at entry and 5 years, eye examinations yearly, and intervention as needed to prevent visual deterioration. Recruitment is proceeding on schedule: the current mean HbA1c at entry is 9.4+/-1.6% and mean duration of diagnosed diabetes 11+/-8 years.
机译:2型糖尿病的长期血糖控制试验显示,视网膜光凝的差异(英国前瞻性糖尿病研究[UKPDS]中的3/1000)是主要的临床获益,但对视敏度或肾功能衰竭没有影响。尚无强化血糖控制试验影响心血管(CV)事件,心血管事件是发病和死亡的主要原因。相反,适度的血压降低对视力,肾脏功能,CV事件和死亡率具有保护作用。在老年人,高级并发症,退伍军人事务(VA)系统中最常见的患者中,没有建立最佳的血糖控制目标。在此类患者中进行的较早的可行性试验(VA-CSDM)表明,潜在的CV结果可能较差,达​​到的血红蛋白A1c(HbA1c)水平较低。退伍军人事务糖尿病试验(VADT)的主要目标是评估强化血糖治疗对简历事件。其他目标还包括对微血管病变,生活质量和成本效益的影响。VADT于2000年12月开始,正在20个VA医疗中心招募1700名以前不受胰岛素或最大剂量口服药物控制的男性和女性。应计为2年,随访为5-7年,每1.5个月一次。该研究具有86%的功效,可检测到主要CV事件(CV死亡,心肌梗死[MI],脑血管意外[CVA],充血性心力衰竭[CHF],血运重建和缺血性截肢)相对减少21%。将受试者随机分为针对正常HbA1c水平的强化治疗组或常规,改善血糖控制的标准治疗组。 HbA1c分离应保持> 1.5%(预期为2%)。双臂接受逐步治疗:格列美脲或二甲双胍加罗格列酮,并添加胰岛素或其他口服药物以达到目的。严格控制血压和血脂异常,每日服用阿司匹林,饮食和教育程度均相同。整个过程中都测量血浆纤维蛋白原,激活纤溶酶原的抑制剂I(PAI-1),脂质,肾功能参数和ECG。在入院和入院5年时获得立体视网膜照片,每年进行眼科检查,并进行必要的干预以防止视力下降。招募工作如期进行:目前入院时的平均HbA1c为9.4 +/- 1.6%,诊断出的糖尿病平均病程为11 +/- 8年。



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