首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Engineering >Harvestable Nitrogen Accumulation for Five Storm Water Wetland Plant Species: Trigger for Storm Water Control Measure Maintenance?

Harvestable Nitrogen Accumulation for Five Storm Water Wetland Plant Species: Trigger for Storm Water Control Measure Maintenance?


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As the use of constructed storm water wetlands to treat storm water runoff becomes more frequent, strategies for maintaining or increasing their pollutant removal over time must be examined. One potential strategy is plant harvesting at the water surface to remove nutrients that would otherwise be deposited back into the wetland during senescence. This technical note presents a first look at this strategy from a storm water management perspective. Vegetation was harvested from two storm water wetlands located in Smithfield and Pactolus, North Carolina, to evaluate the ability of five wetland plant species to sequester nitrogen. Biomass samples were collected from the following species of emergent vegetation: Pontederia cordata (Pickerelweed), Saururus cernuus (Lizard Tail), Scirpus cyperinus (Wool Grass), Sagittaria latifolia (Arrowhead), and Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (Softstem Bulrush). Samples were collected immediately prior to senescence in September and October 2007 and analyzed for nitrogen content on a percent of biomass basis. At the Pactolus wetland the Pontederia cordata, Scirpus cyperinus, and Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani biomass retained significantly (p < 0.05) more nitrogen than Sagittaria latifolia and Saururus cernuus. At the Smithfield wetland, Pontederia cordata and Sagittaria latifolia biomass retained significantly more nitrogen than Scirpus cyperinus and Saururus cernuus. Wetland maturity appears to have a direct relationship to harvestable nitrogen, which could explain why the relative amount of nitrogen sequestered in Scirpus cyperinus and Sagittaria latifolia varied between the two wetlands. A positive relationship existed between the density of harvested biomass and nitrogen removal for two species. To estimate the relative amount of harvestable nitrogen, a model for estimating total nitrogen loading in Coastal Plain watersheds in North Carolina was used to compare estimated inflow nitrogen mass to that which could theoretically be harvested. The harvestable N mass was greater than 20% of inflow nitrogen on an annual basis. Storm water wetland plant harvesting as a maintenance activity has potential to supplement wetland nitrogen removal.
机译:随着越来越多地使用人工雨水湿地来处理雨水径流,必须研究维持或增加其随时间推移去除污染物的策略。一种潜在的策略是在水面收获植物,以去除养分,否则养分将在衰老过程中重新沉积到湿地中。本技术说明从雨水管理的角度首次介绍了此策略。从位于北卡罗来纳州史密斯菲尔德和帕库洛斯的两个雨水湿地收获了植被,以评估五种湿地植物吸收氮的能力。从以下新兴植被物种中收集了生物量样品:蓬头草(Pickerelweed),金龙(Saururus cernuus(Lizard Tail)),短剑兰(Scirpus cyperinus)(羊毛草),人参(Sagittaria latifolia)(Arrowhead)和Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani(Softstem Bulrush)。在2007年9月和10月衰老之前立即收集样品,并按生物量的百分比分析氮含量。在Pactolus湿地,Pontederia cordata,Scirpus cyperinus和Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani生物量所保留的氮含量比人参(Sagittaria latifolia)和Saururus cernuus显着多(p <0.05)。在史密斯菲尔德湿地,蓬头草和箭叶人参的生物量所保留的氮含量比Scirpus cyperinus和cerurus cernuus要多得多。湿地的成熟度似乎与可收获的氮有直接关系,这可以解释为什么在两个湿地之间,Scirpus cyperinus和Sagittaria latifolia中固存的氮的相对量会发生变化。两种物种的收获生物量密度与脱氮量之间存在正相关关系。为了估算可收获氮的相对量,使用了一个估算北卡罗莱纳州沿海平原流域总氮负荷的模型,将估算的流入氮量与理论上可收获的氮量进行比较。每年可收获的氮质量大于流入氮的20%。雨水湿地植物的收获作为一项维护活动,具有补充湿地氮去除的潜力。



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