首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Endodontics: Official Journal of American Association of Endodontists >Effect of Root Filling on Stress Distribution in Premolars with Endodontic-Periodontal Lesion: A Finite Elemental Analysis Study

Effect of Root Filling on Stress Distribution in Premolars with Endodontic-Periodontal Lesion: A Finite Elemental Analysis Study


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Introduction: Endodontic-periodontal (EP) lesions require both endodontic and periodontal therapies. Impermeable sealing of the root canal system after cleaning and shaping is essential fora successful endodontic treatment. However, complete healing of the hard and soft tissue lesions takes time, and diseased bone, periodontal ligament, and tooth fibrous joints are reported to have an increased failure risk for a given load. Considering that EP lesions may affect the biomechanics of teeth, this finite elemental analysis study aimed to test the effect of root fillings on stress distribution in premolars with EP lesions. Methods: Three finite elemental analysis models representing 3 different types of EP lesions (primary endodontic disease [PED], PED with secondary periodontic involvement, and true combined) were created. The root canals were assumed as nonfilled or filled with gutta-percha, gutta-percha/apical mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) plug, and MTA-based sealer. Materials used were assumed to be homogenous and isotropic. A 300-N load was applied from the buccal cusp of the crown with a 135 angle. The Cosmoworks structural-analysis program (SolidWorks Corp, Waltham, MA) was used for analysis. Results were presented considering von Mises criteria. Results: Stresses at the root apex increased with an increase in lesion dimensions. Root filling did not affect stress distribution in the PED model. An MTA plug or MTA-based sealer created more stress areas within the root compared with the others in the models representing PED with periodontic involvement and true combined lesions. Conclusions: Stresses at the apical end of the root increase with increases in lesion dimensions. MTA-based sealers or an MTA plug creates more stresses when there is periodontic involvement or a true combined lesion.
机译:简介:牙髓-牙周(EP)病变需要牙髓治疗和牙周治疗。清洁和整形后,对根管系统进行不可渗透的密封对于成功进行牙髓治疗至关重要。然而,硬组织和软组织病变的完全愈合需要时间,并且据报道患病的骨,牙周膜和牙齿的纤维关节对于给定的负荷而言具有增加的失败风险。考虑到EP病变可能会影响牙齿的生物力学,该有限元分析研究旨在测试牙根充填对EP病变前磨牙的应力分布的影响。方法:建立了代表3种不同类型的EP病变(原发性牙髓病[PED],继发性牙周炎的PED以及真正的结合)的三个有限元分析模型。假定根管未充满或充满牙胶,牙胶/根尖三氧化二铁骨料(MTA)塞子和基于MTA的密封剂。假定使用的材料是均质和各向同性的。从牙冠的颊尖以135角施加300 N的载荷。使用Cosmoworks结构分析程序(SolidWorks Corp,马萨诸塞州沃尔瑟姆)进行分析。考虑冯·米塞斯标准提出了结果。结果:随着病变尺寸的增加,根尖的应力增加。根填充不影响PED模型中的应力分布。与代表牙周病变和真正合并病变的PED的模型相比,MTA塞或基于MTA的封闭剂在根部产生了更多的应力区域。结论:根尖顶端的应力随着病变尺寸的增加而增加。当牙周组织受累或真正合并病变时,基于MTA的封闭剂或MTA塞会产生更大的压力。



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