首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Endodontics: Official Journal of American Association of Endodontists >Spectrophotometric Analysis of Coronal Tooth Discoloration Induced by Various Bioceramic Cements and Other Endodontic Materials

Spectrophotometric Analysis of Coronal Tooth Discoloration Induced by Various Bioceramic Cements and Other Endodontic Materials


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Introduction: Coronal tooth discoloration induced by various endodontic materials was evaluated in vitro. Methods: Eighty extracted human maxillary anterior teeth were accessed, instrumented, and sectioned to standardized root lengths of 10 mm below the cementoenamel junction. Pulp chambers were cleaned chemomechanically to ensure complete tissue removal. Specimens were filled with experimental materials in 8 random groups: RRM, Endo Sequence RRM putty (Brasseler, Savannah, GA); RRMF, EndoSequence RRM fast set paste (Brasseler); BD, Biodentine (Septodont, Saint-Maur-des-Fosses, France); WMTA, white MTA (Dentsply, York, PA), GMTA, gray MTA (Dentsply); AH+, AH Plus sealer (Dentsply); TAP, triple antibiotic paste (metronidazole, ciprofloxacin, and minocycline); and NF, no filling (negative control group). After incubation in 100% humidity at 37 degrees C, color changes were evaluated with a spectrophotometer (Ocean Optics, Dunedin, FL) on days 0, 7, 30, 60, and 180 after material placement (T0-T180). Data were transformed into Commission International de l'Eclairage's L*a*b color values, and corresponding Delta E values were calculated. Two-way analysis of variance and the Bonferroni method were performed. Results: Visual discoloration was observed in all specimens in the GMTA, WMTA, and TAP groups at T7, increasing with time. The AE value between the initial color at T0 and at T7, T30, T60, and T180 was significantly different for GMTA, WMTA, and TAP (P < .001). Delta E values for the BD, RRM, RRMF, AH+, and NF groups were not statistically significantly different between T0 and T7, 130, T60, and T180,, respectively, except for 3 samples below the human perceptible threshold. Values of L* dropped significantly from T0 to 1180 in the TAP, GMTA, and WMTA groups. Conclusions: Significant coronal tooth discoloration was caused by TAP, GMTA, and WMTA but not by BD, RRM, and RRMF.
机译:简介:体外评估了各种牙髓材料引起的冠状牙齿变色。方法:取出八十只拔出的人类上颌前牙,进行仪器检查,并在牙釉质交界处将其切成标准的根长10 mm。用化学机械方法清洁纸浆腔,以确保完全清除组织。用8个随机组的实验材料填充标本:RRM,Endo Sequence RRM油灰(Brasseler,萨凡纳,乔治亚州); RRMF,EndoSequence RRM快速凝固膏(Brasseler); BD,Biodentine(Septodont,法国Saint-Maur-des-Fosses); WMTA,白色MTA(宾夕法尼亚州约克市的登特普利),GMTA,灰色MTA(登特普利); AH +,AH Plus封口机(Dentsply); TAP,三联抗生素糊剂(甲硝唑,环丙沙星和米诺环素);和NF,无充盈(阴性对照组)。在37%的100%湿度下孵育后,在放置材料后的第0、7、30、60和180天(T0-T180),用分光光度计(Ocean Optics,Dunedin,FL)评估颜色变化。将数据转换为国际照明委员会的L * a * b颜色值,并计算出相应的Delta E值。进行了方差和Bonferroni方法的双向分析。结果:在T7时,在GMTA,WMTA和TAP组的所有标本中均观察到了视觉变色,并随时间增加。对于GMTA,WMTA和TAP,在T0和T7,T30,T60和T180的初始颜色之间的AE值显着不同(P <.001)。 BD,RRM,RRMF,AH +和NF组的Delta E值在T0和T7、130,T60和T180之间分别没有统计学上的显着差异,除了3个样本低于人类可感知的阈值。在TAP,GMTA和WMTA组中,L *值从T0显着下降到1180。结论:冠状牙齿显着变色是由TAP,GMTA和WMTA引起的,而不是由BD,RRM和RRMF引起的。



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