首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Econometrics >A Test of Cross Section Dependence for a Linear Dynamic Panel Model with Regressors.

A Test of Cross Section Dependence for a Linear Dynamic Panel Model with Regressors.


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This paper proposes a new testing procedure for detecting error cross section dependence after estimating a linear dynamic panel data model with regressors using the generalised method of moments (GMM). The test is valid when the cross-sectional dimension of the panel is large relative to the time series dimension. Importantly, our approach allows one to examine whether any error cross section dependence remains after including time dummies (or after transforming the data in terms of deviations from time-specific averages), which will be the case under heterogeneous error cross section dependence. Finite sample simulation-based results suggest that our tests perform well, particularly the version based on the [Blundell, R., Bond, S., 1998. Initial conditions and moment restrictions in dynamic panel data models. Journal of Econometrics 87, 115-143] system GMM estimator. In addition, it is shown that the system GMM estimator, based only on partial instruments consisting of the regressors, can be a reliable alternative to the standard GMM estimators under heterogeneous error cross section dependence. The proposed tests are applied to employment equations using UK firm data and the results show little evidence of heterogeneous error cross section dependence.
机译:本文提出了一种新的测试程序,用于使用广义矩量(GMM)估计具有回归变量的线性动态面板数据模型后,检测误差截面的依赖性。当面板的横截面尺寸相对于时间序列尺寸较大时,此测试有效。重要的是,我们的方法允许人们检查在包括时间虚拟变量之后(或根据与特定时间平均值的偏差对数据进行转换后)是否仍然存在任何误差截面相关性,在异构误差截面相关性的情况下就是这种情况。基于有限样本仿真的结果表明,我们的测试性能良好,特别是基于[Blundell,R.,Bond,S.,1998。动态面板数据模型中的初始条件和弯矩限制。 Journal of Econometrics 87,115-143]系统GMM估算器。另外,表明在异质误差横截面依赖性下,仅基于由回归变量组成的部分仪器的系统GMM估计器可以是标准GMM估计器的可靠替代。拟议的测试使用英国公司数据应用于雇佣方程,结果几乎没有证据表明异质性误差横截面具有相关性。



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