首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Phycology >Aureococcus anophagefferens growth potential affected by coastal water toxicants

Aureococcus anophagefferens growth potential affected by coastal water toxicants


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Brown tide blooms, caused by excessive growth of the pelagophyte Aureococcus anophagefferens Hargraves et Sieburth (Ochrophyta, Pelagophyceae), have been observed to be spreading in new water bodies with substantial human influences. This study quantified A. anophagefferens growth potential as affected by common pollutants-heavy metals, herbicide metolachlor, and secondary-treated sewage effluent. Culture studies show that A. anophagefferens growth potential was not affected by environmentally relevant levels of metolachlor but was reduced at low salinity or addition of 10-15 % sewage effluent. When exposed to Cd, Cu, and Zn at high but environmentally relevant concentrations, A. anophagefferens growth potential was reduced, but Zn antagonized inhibitive effect from Cu and CdCu. Preliminary field incubation showed that adding Ni, Cu, Zn, or EDTA did not significantly alter A. anophagefferens survival in filtered Newark Bay seawaters (NJ, USA), suggesting tolerance of A. anophagefferens to anthropogenic toxicants. These results may aid on the understanding and modeling of A. anophagefferens expansion in polluted estuaries.
机译:有人发现,由于象牙藻植物嗜藻金黄色葡萄球菌Hargraves et Sieburth(Ochrophyta,Pelagophyceae)的过度生长而引起的潮汐潮汐在新的水域中散布开来,并受到人为影响。这项研究量化了受常见污染物(重金属,除草剂甲草胺和二次处理的污水)影响的嗜热按蚊的生长潜力。培养研究表明,按蚊的甲草胺的生长潜力不受环境中相关浓度的甲草胺的影响,但在低盐度或添加10-15%的污水后降低。当在高浓度但与环境有关的浓度下暴露于Cd,Cu和Zn时,嗜盐曲霉的生长潜力降低,但Zn拮抗Cu和CdCu的抑制作用。初步的现场孵化显示,添加Ni,Cu,Zn或EDTA不会明显改变过滤后的Newark Ba​​y海水(美国新泽西州)中嗜食按蚊的存活,这表明嗜食按蚊对人为有毒物质的耐受性。这些结果可能有助于理解和建模污染河口中的嗜食曲霉。



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