首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Phycology >Factors affecting lipid accumulation by Nannochloropsis oculata in a two-stage cultivation process

Factors affecting lipid accumulation by Nannochloropsis oculata in a two-stage cultivation process


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Reserve lipids of microalgae are promising for biodiesel production. However, optimization of cultivation conditions for both biomass yield and lipid production of microalgae is a contradictory problem because required conditions for both targets are different. In this study, a two-stage cultivation strategy is proposed to enhance lipid production of the microalga Nannochloropsis oculata. Biomass growth and lipid production were carried out in two separate and non-interacting stages. In first-stage cultivation, microalgae were cultivated in optimal conditions for cell growth. Then, microalgae were harvested and transferred into a growth-limited environment, thus enhancing lipid production of microalgae. Here, optimization of the lipid production stage (second stage) with respect to different levels of inoculum concentration, salinity of culture broth, and intensity of irradiance was performed. The results show that irradiance exhibits a significant influence on lipid production. The highest lipid productivity of 0.324 g L-1 day(-1) was obtained with an inoculum concentration of 2.3 g L-1, a salinity of 35 g L-1, and an irradiance of 500 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1). The final yield of lipid obtained from the two-stage process was 2.82-times higher than that from traditional single-stage batch cultivation systems.
机译:微藻的储备脂质有望用于生物柴油生产。然而,优化培养条件以同时生产微藻的生物质和脂质是一个矛盾的问题,因为两个靶标所需的条件都不同。在这项研究中,提出了一个两阶段的培养策略,以提高微藻Nannochloropsis oculata的脂质生产。生物量的生长和脂质的产生是在两个独立且非相互作用的阶段进行的。在第一阶段的培养中,微藻在细胞生长的最佳条件下培养。然后,收获微藻并将其转移到生长受限的环境中,从而增强微藻的脂质产生。在此,针对接种物浓度,培养液的盐度和辐照强度的不同水平,对脂质产生阶段(第二阶段)进行了优化。结果表明,辐照度对脂质产生具有显着影响。接种物浓度为2.3 g L-1,盐度为35 g L-1和辐照度为500μmol光子m(-2)时,脂类生产力最高,为0.324 g L-1天(-1)。 s(-1)。通过两步法获得的脂质最终产量比传统的单步分批培养系统高2.82倍。



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