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Virus transfer between fingerpads and fomites


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AbstractAims: Virus transfer between individuals and fomites is an important route of transmission for both gastrointestinal and respiratory illness. The present study examines how direction of transfer, virus species, time since last handwashing, gender, and titre affect viral transfer between fingerpads and glass.Methods and Results: Six hundred fifty-six total transfer events, performed by 20 volunteers using MS2, hX174, and fr indicated 0.23 c 0.22 (mean and standard deviation) of virus is readily transferred on contact. Virus transfer is significantly influenced by virus species and time since last handwashing. Transfer of fr bacteriophage is significantly higher than both MS2 and hX174. Virus transfer between surfaces is reduced for recently washed hands.Conclusions: Viruses are readily transferred between skin and surfaces on contact. The fraction of virus transferred is dependent on multiple factors including virus species, recently washing hands, and direction of transfer likely because of surface physicochemical interactions.Significance and Impact of the Study: The study is the first to provide a large data set of virus transfer events describing the central tendency and distribution of fraction virus transferred between fingers and glass. The data set from the study, along with the quantified effect sizes of the factors explored, inform studies examining role of fomites in disease transmission.
机译:摘要目的:病毒在个体和毒气之间的传播是胃肠道和呼吸道疾病的重要传播途径。本研究探讨了转移方向,病毒种类,自上次洗手以来的时间,性别和滴度如何影响手指和玻璃杯之间的病毒转移。方法和结果:506次转移事件,由20名志愿者使用MS2,hX174进行,fr表示0.23 c 0.22(平均值和标准偏差)病毒在接触时易于转移。自上次洗手以来,病毒的转移受病毒种类和时间的影响很大。 fr噬菌体的转移明显高于MS2和hX174。对于刚洗过的手,减少了表面之间的病毒传播。结论:接触后,病毒很容易在皮肤和表面之间传播。病毒转移的比例取决于多种因素,包括病毒种类,最近洗手以及可能由于表面物理化学相互作用而导致的转移方向。该研究的意义和影响:该研究是第一个提供大量病毒转移数据集的研究事件描述了手指和玻璃杯之间转移的部分病毒的集中趋势和分布。该研究的数据集以及所探究因素的量化效应大小,为研究炸药在疾病传播中的作用提供了信息。



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